Choosing things in dataframes
Doing things with data frames
Let’s go back to our Australian athletes:
Choosing a column
athletes %>% select (Sport)
Choosing several columns
athletes %>% select (Sport, Hg, BMI)
Choosing consecutive columns
athletes %>% select (Sex: WCC, BMI)
Choosing all-but some columns
athletes %>% select (- (RCC: LBM))
athletes %>% select (Sex: Sport, Ht: Wt)
Other ways to select columns: those whose name:
a “regular expression”
select all the columns
Columns whose names begin with S
athletes %>% select (starts_with ("S" ))
Columns whose names end with C
either uppercase or lowercase:
athletes %>% select (ends_with ("c" ))
This works with any of the select-helpers:
athletes %>% select (ends_with ("C" , FALSE ))
Column names containing letter R
athletes %>% select (contains ("r" ))
Exactly two characters, ending with T
In regular expression terms, this is ^.t$
means “start of text”
means “exactly one character, but could be anything”
means “end of text”.
athletes %>% select (matches ("^.t$" ))
Choosing columns by property
Use where
as with summarizing several columns
eg, to choose text columns:
athletes %>% select (where (is.character))
Choosing rows by number
athletes %>% slice (16 : 25 )
Non-consecutive rows
athletes %>%
slice (10 , 13 , 17 , 42 )
A random sample of rows
athletes %>% slice_sample (n= 8 )
Rows for which something is true
athletes %>% filter (Sport == "Tennis" )
More complicated selections
athletes %>% filter (Sport == "Tennis" , RCC < 5 )
Another way to do “and”
athletes %>% filter (Sport == "Tennis" ) %>%
filter (RCC < 5 )
athletes %>% filter (Sport == "Tennis" | RCC > 5 )
Sorting into order
athletes %>% arrange (RCC)
Breaking ties by another variable
athletes %>% arrange (RCC, BMI)
Descending order
athletes %>% arrange (desc (BMI))
“The top ones”
athletes %>%
arrange (desc (Wt)) %>%
slice (1 : 7 ) %>%
select (Sport, Wt)
Another way
athletes %>%
slice_max (order_by = Wt, n= 7 ) %>%
select (Sport, Wt)
Create new variables from old ones
athletes %>%
mutate (wt_lb = Wt * 2.2 ) %>%
select (Sport, Sex, Wt, wt_lb) %>%
arrange (Wt)
Turning the result into a number
Output is always data frame unless you explicitly turn it into something else, eg. the weight of the heaviest athlete, as a number:
athletes %>% arrange (desc (Wt)) %>%
pluck ("Wt" , 1 ) -> heavy
Or the 20 heaviest weights in descending order:
athletes %>%
arrange (desc (Wt)) %>%
slice (1 : 20 ) %>%
pluck ("Wt" )
[1] 123.20 113.70 111.30 108.20 102.70 101.00 100.20 98.00 97.90 97.90
[11] 97.00 96.90 96.30 94.80 94.80 94.70 94.70 94.60 94.25 94.20
Another way to do the last one
athletes %>%
arrange (desc (Wt)) %>%
slice (1 : 20 ) %>%
pull ("Wt" )
[1] 123.20 113.70 111.30 108.20 102.70 101.00 100.20 98.00 97.90 97.90
[11] 97.00 96.90 96.30 94.80 94.80 94.70 94.70 94.60 94.25 94.20
grabs the column you name as a vector (of whatever it contains).
To find the mean height of the women athletes
Two ways:
athletes %>% group_by (Sex) %>% summarize (m = mean (Ht))
athletes %>%
filter (Sex == "female" ) %>%
summarize (m = mean (Ht))
Summary of data selection/arrangement “verbs”
Choose columns
Choose rows by number
Choose random rows
Choose rows with largest values on a variable (also slice_min
Choose rows satisfying conditions
Sort in order by column(s)
Create new variables
Create groups to work with
Calculate summary statistics (by groups if defined)
Extract items from data frame
Extract a single column from a data frame as a vector
Looking things up in another data frame
Suppose you are working in the nails department of a hardware store and you find that you have sold these items:
my_url <- ""
sales <- read_csv (my_url)
Product descriptions and prices
but you don’t remember what these product codes are, and you would like to know the total revenue from these sales.
Fortunately you found a list of product descriptions and prices:
my_url <- ""
desc <- read_csv (my_url)
The lookup
How do you “look up” the product codes to find the product descriptions and prices?
sales %>% left_join (desc)
What we have
this looks up all the rows in the first dataframe that are also in the second .
by default matches all columns with same name in two dataframes (product_code
get all columns in both dataframes. The rows are the ones for that product_code
So now can work out how much the total revenue was:
sales %>% left_join (desc) %>%
mutate (product_revenue = sales* price) %>%
summarize (total_revenue = sum (product_revenue))
Matching on only some matching names
Suppose the sales
dataframe also had a column qty
(which was the quantity sold):
sales %>% rename ("qty" = "sales" ) -> sales1
The qty
in sales1
is the quantity sold, but the qty
in desc
is the number of nails in a package. These should not be matched: they are different things.
Matching only on product code
sales1 %>%
left_join (desc, join_by (product_code))
Get qty.x
(from sales1
) and qty.y
(from desc
Matching on different names 1/2
Suppose the product code in sales
was just code
sales %>% rename ("code" = "product_code" ) -> sales2
How to match the two product codes that have different names?
Matching on different names 2/2
Use join_by
, but like this:
sales2 %>%
left_join (desc, join_by (code == product_code))
Other types of join
: interchanges roles, looking up keys from second dataframe in first.
: give me all the rows in the first dataframe that are not in the second. (Use this eg. to see whether the product descriptions are incomplete.)
: give me all the rows in both dataframes, with missings as needed.
Full join here
sales %>% full_join (desc)
The missing sales
for “masonry nail” says that it was in the lookup table desc
, but we didn’t sell any.
The same thing, but with anti_join
Anything in first df but not in second?
desc %>% anti_join (sales)
# sales %>% anti_join(desc)
Masonry nails are the only thing in our product description file that we did not sell any of.