One side-effect of discriminant analysis: could draw picture of data (if 1st 2s LD
s told most of story) and see which individuals “close” to each other.
Discriminant analysis requires knowledge of groups.
Without knowledge of groups, use cluster analysis: see which individuals close together, which groups suggested by data.
Idea: see how individuals group into “clusters” of nearby individuals.
Base on “dissimilarities” between individuals.
Or base on standard deviations and correlations between variables (assesses dissimilarity behind scenes).
English | Norwegian | Danish | Dutch | German | |
1 | one | en | en | een | eins |
2 | two | to | to | twee | zwei |
3 | three | tre | tre | drie | drei |
4 | four | fire | fire | vier | vier |
5 | five | fem | fem | vijf | funf |
6 | six | seks | seks | zes | sechs |
7 | seven | sju | syv | zeven | sieben |
8 | eight | atte | otte | acht | acht |
9 | nine | ni | ni | negen | neun |
10 | ten | ti | ti | tien | zehn |
French | Spanish | Italian | Polish | Hungarian | Finnish | |
1 | un | uno | uno | jeden | egy | yksi |
2 | deux | dos | due | dwa | ketto | kaksi |
3 | trois | tres | tre | trzy | harom | kolme |
4 | quatre | cuatro | quattro | cztery | negy | nelja |
5 | cinq | cinco | cinque | piec | ot | viisi |
6 | six | seis | sei | szesc | hat | kuusi |
7 | sept | siete | sette | siedem | het | seitseman |
8 | huit | ocho | otto | osiem | nyolc | kahdeksan |
9 | neuf | nueve | nove | dziewiec | kilenc | yhdeksan |
10 | dix | diez | dieci | dziesiec | tiz | kymmenen |
Can define dissimilarities how you like (whatever makes sense in application).
Sometimes defining “similarity” makes more sense; can turn this into dissimilarity by subtracting from some maximum.
Example: numbers 1–10 in various European languages. Define similarity between two languages by counting how often the same number has a name starting with the same letter (and dissimilarity by how often number has names starting with different letter).
Crude (doesn’t even look at most of the words), but see how effective.
Looking at process of forming clusters (of similar languages): hierarchical cluster analysis (hclust
Start with each individual in cluster by itself.
Join “closest” clusters one by one until all individuals in one cluster.
How to define closeness of two clusters? Not obvious, investigate in a moment.
Know how many clusters: which division into that many clusters is “best” for individuals? K-means clustering (kmeans
How to measure distance between set of red points and set of blue ones?
Find the red point and the blue point that are closest together:
Single-linkage distance between 2 clusters is distance between their closest points.
Find the red and blue points that are farthest apart:
Complete-linkage distance is distance between farthest points.
Work out mean of each cluster and join point to its mean:
Work out (i) sum of squared distances of points from means.
Now imagine combining the two clusters and working out overall mean. Join each point to this mean:
Calc sum of squared distances (ii) of points to combined mean.
Sum of squares (ii) will be bigger than (i) (points closer to own cluster mean than combined mean).
Ward’s distance is (ii) minus (i).
Think of as “cost” of combining clusters:
if clusters close together, (ii) only a little larger than (i)
if clusters far apart, (ii) a lot larger than (i) (as in example).
Single linkage, complete linkage, Ward are ways of measuring closeness of clusters.
Use them, starting with each observation in own cluster, to repeatedly combine two closest clusters until all points in one cluster.
They will give different answers (clustering stories).
Single linkage tends to make “stringy” clusters because clusters can be very different apart from two closest points.
Complete linkage insists on whole clusters being similar.
Ward tends to form many small clusters first.
Dissimilarities for language data were how many number names had different first letter:
Lines of merge
show what was combined
First, languages 2 and 3 (no
and dk
Then languages 6 and 8 (fr
and it
Then #7 combined with cluster formed at step 2 (es
joined to fr
and it
Then en
joined to no
and dk
Finally fi
joined to all others.
In Ward, Dutch and German get joined earlier (before joining to Germanic cluster).
Also Hungarian and Finnish get combined earlier.
Original data:
It would be a lot easier to extract the first letter if the number names were all in one column.
Suppose we wanted dissimilarity between English and Norwegian. It’s the number of first letters that are different.
First get the lines for English:
And now we want to put them side by side, matched by number. This is what left_join
does. (A “join” is a lookup of values in one table using another.)
is 1st letter of English word, first.y
1st letter of Norwegian word.
english %>% left_join(norwegian, join_by(number)) %>%
count(different=(first.x != first.y)) %>%
filter(different) %>% pull(n) -> ans
[1] 2
Words for 1 and 8 start with different letter; rest are same.
The answer should be zero:
english %>% left_join(english, join_by(number)) %>%
count(different=(first.x != first.y)) %>%
filter(different) %>% pull(n) -> ans
countdiff <- function(lang.1, lang.2, d) {
d %>% filter(language == lang.1) -> lang1d
d %>% filter(language == lang.2) -> lang2d
lang1d %>%
left_join(lang2d, join_by(number)) %>%
count(different = (first.x != first.y)) %>%
filter(different) %>% pull(n) -> ans
# if ans has length zero, set answer to (integer) zero.
ifelse(length(ans)==0, 0L, ans)
English and Norwegian have two different; English and English have none different.
for all those language pairsand that was where we began.
Birth, death and infant mortality rates for 97 countries (variables not dissimilarities):
24.7 5.7 30.8 Albania 12.5 11.9 14.4 Bulgaria
13.4 11.7 11.3 Czechoslovakia 12 12.4 7.6 Former_E._Germany
11.6 13.4 14.8 Hungary 14.3 10.2 16 Poland
13.6 10.7 26.9 Romania 14 9 20.2 Yugoslavia
17.7 10 23 USSR 15.2 9.5 13.1 Byelorussia_SSR
13.4 11.6 13 Ukrainian_SSR 20.7 8.4 25.7 Argentina
46.6 18 111 Bolivia 28.6 7.9 63 Brazil
23.4 5.8 17.1 Chile 27.4 6.1 40 Columbia
32.9 7.4 63 Ecuador 28.3 7.3 56 Guyana
Want to find groups of similar countries (and how many groups, which countries in each group).
Tree would be unwieldy with 97 countries.
More automatic way of finding given number of clusters?
Infant mortality rate numbers bigger than others, consequence of measurement scale (arbitrary).
Standardize (numerical) columns of data frame to have mean 0, SD 1, done by scale
Pretend we know 3 clusters is good. Take off the column of countries, and run kmeans
on the resulting data frame, asking for 3 clusters:
[1] "cluster" "centers" "totss"
[4] "withinss" "tot.withinss" "betweenss"
[7] "size" "iter" "ifault"
A lot of output, so look at these individually.
birth death infant
1 -1.0376994 -0.3289046 -0.90669032
2 1.1780071 1.3323130 1.32732200
3 0.3768062 -0.6297388 0.09639258
Cluster 1 compact relative to others (countries in cluster 1 more similar).
[1] 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 3 2
[29] 1 3 1 3 3 1 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 3
[57] 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 3
[85] 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2
The cluster membership for each of the 97 countries.
Next, which countries in which cluster?
Write function to extract them:
[1] "Bolivia" "Mexico" "Afghanistan"
[4] "Iran" "Bangladesh" "Gabon"
[7] "Ghana" "Namibia" "Sierra_Leone"
[10] "Swaziland" "Uganda" "Zaire"
[13] "Cambodia" "Nepal" "Angola"
[16] "Congo" "Ethiopia" "Gambia"
[19] "Malawi" "Mozambique" "Nigeria"
[22] "Somalia" "Sudan" "Tanzania"
[25] "Zambia"
[1] "Albania" "Ecuador" "Paraguay"
[4] "Kuwait" "Oman" "Turkey"
[7] "India" "Mongolia" "Pakistan"
[10] "Algeria" "Botswana" "Egypt"
[13] "Libya" "Morocco" "South_Africa"
[16] "Zimbabwe" "Brazil" "Columbia"
[19] "Guyana" "Peru" "Venezuela"
[22] "Bahrain" "Iraq" "Jordan"
[25] "Lebanon" "Saudi_Arabia" "Indonesia"
[28] "Malaysia" "Philippines" "Vietnam"
[31] "Kenya" "Tunisia"
[1] "Czechoslovakia" "Hungary"
[3] "Romania" "USSR"
[5] "Ukrainian_SSR" "Chile"
[7] "Uruguay" "Finland"
[9] "France" "Greece"
[11] "Italy" "Norway"
[13] "Spain" "Switzerland"
[15] "Austria" "Canada"
[17] "Israel" "China"
[19] "Korea" "Singapore"
[21] "Thailand" "Bulgaria"
[23] "Former_E._Germany" "Poland"
[25] "Yugoslavia" "Byelorussia_SSR"
[27] "Argentina" "Belgium"
[29] "Denmark" "Germany"
[31] "Ireland" "Netherlands"
[33] "Portugal" "Sweden"
[35] "U.K." "Japan"
[37] "U.S.A." "United_Arab_Emirates"
[39] "Hong_Kong" "Sri_Lanka"
uses randomization. So result of one run might be different from another run.
Example: just run again on 3 clusters, table
of results:
vital.s %>%
select(-country) %>% kmeans(3) -> vital.km3a
first = vital.km3$cluster,
second = vital.km3a$cluster
first 1 2 3
1 40 0 0
2 0 24 1
3 4 0 28
option on kmeans
runs that many times, takes best. Should be same every time:Three was just a guess.
Idea: try a whole bunch of #clusters (say 2–20), obtain measure of goodness of fit for each, make plot.
Appropriate measure is tot.withinss
Run kmeans
for each #clusters, get tot.withinss
each time.
for an input number of clusters, taking only numeric columns of input data frame:
Note: writing function to be as general as possible, so that we can re-use it later.
Make a data frame with desired numbers of clusters, and fill it with the total within-group sums of squares. ss
expects a single number of clusters, not a vector of several, so run rowwise
Lower wss
But lower for larger #clusters, harder to explain.
Compromise: low-ish wss
and low-ish #clusters.
Look for “elbow” in plot.
Idea: this is where wss
decreases fast then slow.
On our plot, small elbow at 6 clusters. Try this many clusters.
[1] 24 18 15 2 8 30
birth death infant
1 0.4160993 -0.5169988 0.2648754
2 1.2092406 0.7441347 1.0278003
3 -0.4357690 -1.1438599 -0.7281108
4 -0.2199722 2.1116577 -0.4544435
5 1.3043848 2.1896567 1.9470306
6 -1.1737104 -0.1856375 -0.9534370
Below-average death rate, though other rates a little higher than average:
[1] "Ecuador" "Paraguay" "Oman"
[4] "Turkey" "India" "Mongolia"
[7] "Pakistan" "Algeria" "Egypt"
[10] "Libya" "Morocco" "South_Africa"
[13] "Zimbabwe" "Brazil" "Guyana"
[16] "Peru" "Iraq" "Jordan"
[19] "Lebanon" "Saudi_Arabia" "Indonesia"
[22] "Philippines" "Vietnam" "Tunisia"
High on everything:
Low on everything:
Very high death rate, just below average on all else:
Very high on everything:
A bit below average on everything:
[1] "Czechoslovakia" "Hungary"
[3] "Romania" "USSR"
[5] "Ukrainian_SSR" "Uruguay"
[7] "Finland" "France"
[9] "Greece" "Italy"
[11] "Norway" "Spain"
[13] "Switzerland" "Austria"
[15] "Canada" "Bulgaria"
[17] "Former_E._Germany" "Poland"
[19] "Yugoslavia" "Byelorussia_SSR"
[21] "Belgium" "Denmark"
[23] "Germany" "Ireland"
[25] "Netherlands" "Portugal"
[27] "Sweden" "U.K."
[29] "Japan" "U.S.A."
three 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 0 0 9 1 0 30
2 0 16 0 1 8 0
3 24 2 6 0 0 0
Compared to 3-cluster solution:
most of (old) cluster 1 gone to (new) cluster 6
cluster 2 split into clusters 2 and 5 (two types of “poor” countries)
cluster 3 split into clusters 1 and 3 (two types of “intermediate” countries, divided by death rate).
So what makes the groups different?
Uses package MASS
[1] 21.687195 8.851811 1.773006
birth 2.6879695 1.1224202 -1.9483853
death 0.6652712 -2.7213044 -0.6049358
infant 2.1111801 0.7650912 2.3542296
LD1 is some of everything (high=poor, low=rich).
LD2 mainly death rate, high or low.
contains country names, cluster memberships and discriminant scores.LD1
against LD2
, colouring points by cluster and labelling by country:It would be better to zoom in on parts of this plot.
An Ontario hockey league has teams in 21 cities. How can we arrange those teams into 4 geographical divisions?
Distance data in spreadsheet.
Take out spaces in team names.
Save as “text/csv”.
Distances, so back to hclust
Can’t have divisions of 1 team!
“Southern” divisions way too big!
Try splitting into more. I found 7 to be good:
I want to put Huntsville and North Bay together with northern teams.
I’ll put the Eastern teams together. Gives:
North: Sault Ste Marie, Sudbury, Huntsville, North Bay
East: Brockville, Cornwall, Ottawa, Peterborough, Belleville, Kingston
West: Windsor, London, Sarnia
Central: Owen Sound, Barrie, Toronto, Niagara Falls, St Catharines, Brantford, Hamilton, Kitchener
Getting them same size beyond us!
Tree shows how languages combined into clusters.
First (bottom), Spanish, French, Italian joined into one cluster, Norwegian and Danish into another.
Later, English joined to Norse languages, Polish to Romance group.
Then German, Dutch make a Germanic group.
Finally, Hungarian and Finnish joined to each other and everything else.