Principal components:
Purely mathematical.
Find eigenvalues, eigenvectors of correlation matrix.
No testing whether observed components reproducible, or even probability model behind it.
Factor analysis:
some way towards fixing this (get test of appropriateness)
In factor analysis, each variable modelled as: “common factor” (eg. verbal ability) and “specific factor” (left over).
Choose the common factors to “best” reproduce pattern seen in correlation matrix.
Iterative procedure, different answer from principal components.
145 children given 5 tests, called PARA, SENT, WORD, ADD and DOTS. 3 linguistic tasks (paragraph comprehension, sentence completion and word meaning), 2 mathematical ones (addition and counting dots).
Correlation matrix of scores on the tests:
para 1 0.722 0.714 0.203 0.095
sent 0.722 1 0.685 0.246 0.181
word 0.714 0.685 1 0.170 0.113
add 0.203 0.246 0.170 1 0.585
dots 0.095 0.181 0.113 0.585 1
Using correlation matrix. Read that first:
Turn into R matrix
, using column test
as column names:
Principal components:
I used kids.0
here since I want kids.1
and kids.2
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5
para 0.534 0.245 0.114 0.795
sent 0.542 0.164 0.660 -0.489
word 0.523 0.247 -0.144 -0.738 -0.316
add 0.297 -0.627 0.707
dots 0.241 -0.678 -0.680 0.143
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5
SS loadings 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Proportion Var 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Cumulative Var 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Specify number of factors first, get solution with exactly that many factors.
Includes hypothesis test, need to specify how many children wrote the tests.
Works from correlation matrix via covmat
or actual data, like princomp
Introduces extra feature, rotation, to make interpretation of loadings (factor-variable relation) easier.
Create “covariance list” to include number of children who wrote the tests.
Feed this into factanal
, specifying how many factors (2).
Start with the matrix we made before.
Uniquenesses say how “unique” a variable is (size of specific factor). Small uniqueness means that the variable is summarized by a factor (good).
Very large uniquenesses are bad; add
’s uniqueness is largest but not large enough to be worried about.
Also see “communality” for this idea, where large is good and small is bad.
Factor1 Factor2
para 0.867
sent 0.820 0.166
word 0.816
add 0.167 0.631
dots 0.918
Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings 2.119 1.282
Proportion Var 0.424 0.256
Cumulative Var 0.424 0.680
Factor 1 clearly the “linguistic” tasks, factor 2 clearly the “mathematical” ones.
Two factors together explain 68% of variability (like regression R-squared).
Which variables belong to which factor is much clearer than with principal components.
P-value not small, so 2 factors OK.
[1] 5
1 factor rejected (P-value small). Definitely need more than 1.
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
climate 0.994
housing 0.360 0.482 0.229
health 0.884 0.164
crime 0.115 0.400 0.205
trans 0.414 0.460
educate 0.511
arts 0.655 0.552 0.102
recreate 0.148 0.714
econ 0.318 -0.114
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3
SS loadings 1.814 1.551 1.120
Proportion Var 0.202 0.172 0.124
Cumulative Var 0.202 0.374 0.498
This is very clear.
climate housing health crime trans educate arts recreate
0.0050000 0.5859175 0.1854084 0.7842407 0.6165449 0.7351921 0.2554663 0.4618143
We can test whether the three factors that we have is enough, or whether we need more to describe our data:
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
climate 0.131 0.559
housing 0.286 0.505 0.289 -0.113 0.475
health 0.847 0.214 0.187
crime 0.196 0.143 0.948 0.181
trans 0.389 0.515 0.175
educate 0.534
arts 0.611 0.564 0.172 0.145
recreate 0.705 0.115 0.136
econ 0.978 0.135
Factor1 Factor2 Factor3 Factor4 Factor5
SS loadings 1.628 1.436 1.087 1.023 0.658
Proportion Var 0.181 0.160 0.121 0.114 0.073
Cumulative Var 0.181 0.340 0.461 0.575 0.648
369 women asked to rate themselves on 60 traits, like “self-reliant” or “shy”.
Rating 1 “never or almost never true of me” to 7 ``always or almost always true of me’’.
60 personality traits is a lot. Can we find a smaller number of factors that capture aspects of personality?
The whole BEM sex role inventory on next page.
to decide on number of factors:
Possible elbows at 3 (2 factors) and 6 (5):
Importance of components:
Comp.1 Comp.2 Comp.3 Comp.4 Comp.5
Standard deviation 2.7444993 2.2405789 1.55049106 1.43886350 1.30318840
Proportion of Variance 0.1711881 0.1140953 0.05463688 0.04705291 0.03859773
Cumulative Proportion 0.1711881 0.2852834 0.33992029 0.38697320 0.42557093
Comp.6 Comp.7 Comp.8 Comp.9 Comp.10
Standard deviation 1.18837867 1.15919129 1.07838912 1.07120568 1.04901318
Proportion of Variance 0.03209645 0.03053919 0.02643007 0.02607913 0.02500974
Cumulative Proportion 0.45766738 0.48820657 0.51463664 0.54071577 0.56572551
Comp.11 Comp.12 Comp.13 Comp.14 Comp.15
Standard deviation 1.03848656 1.00152287 0.97753974 0.95697572 0.9287543
Proportion of Variance 0.02451033 0.02279655 0.02171782 0.02081369 0.0196042
Cumulative Proportion 0.59023584 0.61303238 0.63475020 0.65556390 0.6751681
Comp.16 Comp.17 Comp.18 Comp.19 Comp.20
Standard deviation 0.92262649 0.90585705 0.8788668 0.86757525 0.84269120
Proportion of Variance 0.01934636 0.01864948 0.0175547 0.01710652 0.01613928
Cumulative Proportion 0.69451445 0.71316392 0.7307186 0.74782514 0.76396443
Comp.21 Comp.22 Comp.23 Comp.24 Comp.25
Standard deviation 0.83124925 0.80564654 0.78975423 0.78100835 0.77852606
Proportion of Variance 0.01570398 0.01475151 0.01417527 0.01386305 0.01377506
Cumulative Proportion 0.77966841 0.79441992 0.80859519 0.82245823 0.83623330
Comp.26 Comp.27 Comp.28 Comp.29 Comp.30
Standard deviation 0.74969868 0.74137885 0.72343693 0.71457305 0.70358645
Proportion of Variance 0.01277382 0.01249188 0.01189457 0.01160488 0.01125077
Cumulative Proportion 0.84900712 0.86149899 0.87339356 0.88499844 0.89624921
Comp.31 Comp.32 Comp.33 Comp.34
Standard deviation 0.69022738 0.654861232 0.640339974 0.63179848
Proportion of Variance 0.01082759 0.009746437 0.009318984 0.00907203
Cumulative Proportion 0.90707680 0.916823235 0.926142219 0.93521425
Comp.35 Comp.36 Comp.37 Comp.38
Standard deviation 0.616621295 0.602404917 0.570025368 0.560881809
Proportion of Variance 0.008641405 0.008247538 0.007384748 0.007149736
Cumulative Proportion 0.943855654 0.952103192 0.959487940 0.966637677
Comp.39 Comp.40 Comp.41 Comp.42
Standard deviation 0.538149460 0.530277613 0.512370708 0.505662309
Proportion of Variance 0.006581928 0.006390781 0.005966449 0.005811236
Cumulative Proportion 0.973219605 0.979610386 0.985576834 0.991388070
Comp.43 Comp.44
Standard deviation 0.480413465 0.384873772
Proportion of Variance 0.005245389 0.003366541
Cumulative Proportion 0.996633459 1.000000000
Want overall fraction of variance explained (``cumulative proportion’’) to be reasonably high.
2 factors, 28.5%. Terrible!
Even 56% (10 factors) not that good!
Have to live with that.
Ignore individuals for now.
Most variables point to 1 o’clock or 4 o’clock.
Suggests factor analysis with rotation will get interpretable factors (rotate to 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock, for example).
Try for 2-factor solution (rough interpretation, will be bad):
to see all of it). leaderab leadact warm tender dominant gentle
0.4091894 0.4166153 0.4764762 0.4928919 0.4942909 0.5064551
forceful strpers compass stand undstand assert
0.5631857 0.5679398 0.5937073 0.6024001 0.6194392 0.6329347
soothe affect decide selfsuff sympathy indpt
0.6596103 0.6616625 0.6938578 0.7210246 0.7231450 0.7282742
helpful defbel risk reliant individ compete
0.7598223 0.7748448 0.7789761 0.7808058 0.7941998 0.7942910
conscien happy sensitiv loyal ambitiou shy
0.7974820 0.8008966 0.8018851 0.8035264 0.8101599 0.8239496
softspok cheerful masculin yielding feminine truthful
0.8339058 0.8394916 0.8453368 0.8688473 0.8829927 0.8889983
lovchil analyt athlet flatter gullible moody
0.8924392 0.8968744 0.9229702 0.9409500 0.9583435 0.9730607
childlik foullang
0.9800360 0.9821662
Mostly high or very high (bad).
Some smaller, eg.: Leadership ability (0.409), Acts like leader (0.417), Warm (0.476), Tender (0.493).
Smaller uniquenesses captured by one of our two factors.
Larger uniquenesses are not: need more factors to capture them.
Factor1 Factor2
helpful 0.314 0.376
reliant 0.453 0.117
defbel 0.434 0.193
yielding -0.131 0.338
cheerful 0.152 0.371
indpt 0.521
athlet 0.267
shy -0.414
assert 0.605
strpers 0.657
forceful 0.649 -0.126
affect 0.178 0.554
flatter 0.223
loyal 0.151 0.417
analyt 0.295 0.127
feminine 0.113 0.323
sympathy 0.526
moody -0.162
sensitiv 0.135 0.424
undstand 0.610
compass 0.114 0.627
leaderab 0.765
soothe 0.580
risk 0.442 0.161
decide 0.542 0.113
selfsuff 0.511 0.134
conscien 0.328 0.308
dominant 0.668 -0.245
masculin 0.276 -0.280
stand 0.607 0.172
happy 0.119 0.430
softspok -0.230 0.336
warm 0.719
truthful 0.109 0.315
tender 0.710
gullible -0.153 0.135
leadact 0.763
childlik -0.101
individ 0.445
foullang 0.133
lovchil 0.327
compete 0.450
ambitiou 0.414 0.137
gentle 0.702
Factor1 Factor2
SS loadings 6.083 5.127
Proportion Var 0.138 0.117
Cumulative Var 0.138 0.255
There are too many to read easily, so make a data frame. A bit tricky:
Arbitrarily defining \(>0.4\) or \(<-0.4\) as “big”:
A bi-plot, this time with the variables reduced in size. Looking for unusual individuals.
Have to run factanal
again to get factor scores for plotting.
data frame.Variables mostly up (“feminine”) and right (“masculine”), accomplished by rotation.
Some unusual individuals: 311, 214 (low on factor 2), 366 (high on factor 2), 359, 258 (low on factor 1), 230 (high on factor 1).
Rows: 1
Columns: 45
$ subno <dbl> 755
$ helpful <dbl> 7
$ reliant <dbl> 7
$ defbel <dbl> 5
$ yielding <dbl> 7
$ cheerful <dbl> 7
$ indpt <dbl> 7
$ athlet <dbl> 7
$ shy <dbl> 2
$ assert <dbl> 1
$ strpers <dbl> 3
$ forceful <dbl> 1
$ affect <dbl> 7
$ flatter <dbl> 9
$ loyal <dbl> 7
$ analyt <dbl> 7
$ feminine <dbl> 7
$ sympathy <dbl> 7
$ moody <dbl> 1
$ sensitiv <dbl> 7
$ undstand <dbl> 7
$ compass <dbl> 6
$ leaderab <dbl> 3
$ soothe <dbl> 7
$ risk <dbl> 7
$ decide <dbl> 7
$ selfsuff <dbl> 7
$ conscien <dbl> 7
$ dominant <dbl> 1
$ masculin <dbl> 1
$ stand <dbl> 7
$ happy <dbl> 7
$ softspok <dbl> 7
$ warm <dbl> 7
$ truthful <dbl> 7
$ tender <dbl> 7
$ gullible <dbl> 1
$ leadact <dbl> 2
$ childlik <dbl> 1
$ individ <dbl> 5
$ foullang <dbl> 7
$ lovchil <dbl> 7
$ compete <dbl> 7
$ ambitiou <dbl> 7
$ gentle <dbl> 7
Individual 366 high on factor 2, but hard to see which traits should have high scores (unless we remember).
Idea 1: use percentile ranks as before.
Idea 2: Rating scale is easy to interpret. So tidy original data frame to make easier to look things up.
Want to add the factor scores for each trait to our tidy data frame bem_tidy
. This is a left-join (over), matching on the column trait
that is in both data frames (thus, the default):
So now pick out the rows of the tidy data frame that belong to individual 366 (row=366
) and for which the Factor2
score exceeds 0.4 in absolute value (our “big” from before):
As expected, high scorer on these.
Rows 311 and 214 were low on Factor 2, so their scores should be low. Can we do them all at once?
Can we display each individual in own column?
, that is, pivot_wider
bem_tidy %>%
row %in% c(366, 311, 214),
abs(Factor2) > 0.4
) %>%
select(-subno, -Factor1, -Factor2) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from=row, values_from=score)
366 high, 311 middling, 214 (sometimes) low.
These were high, low, low on factor 1. Adapt code:
Suspect not:
2 factors resoundingly rejected. Need more. Have to go all the way to 15 factors to not reject:
Even then, only just over 50% of variability explained.
Let’s take a look at the important things in those 15 factors.
Get 15-factor loadings into a data frame, as before:
Compassionate, understanding, sympathetic, soothing: thoughtful of others.
Strong personality, forceful, assertive, dominant: getting ahead.
Self-reliant, self-sufficient, independent: going it alone.
Gentle, tender, warm (affectionate): caring for others.
Ambitious, competitive (with a bit of risk-taking and individualism): Being the best.
Acts like a leader, leadership ability (with a bit of Dominant): Taking charge.
Happy and cheerful.
Affectionate, flattering: Making others feel good.
Taking a stand.
Feminine. (A little bit of not-masculine!)
Childlike. (With a bit of moody, shy, not-self-sufficient, not-conscientious.)
Truthful. (With a bit of happy and not-gullible.)
Decisive. (With a bit of self-sufficient and not-soft-spoken.)
Not-compassionate, athletic, sensitive: A mixed bag. (“Cares about self”?)
Uses foul language especially, also loves children and analytical. So could use even more factors.
First component has a bit of everything, though especially the first three tests.
Second component rather more clearly
.No scores, plots since no actual data.
See how factor analysis compares on these data.