Multivariate Analysis of Variance

Multivariate analysis of variance

  • Standard ANOVA has just one response variable.

  • What if you have more than one response?

  • Try an ANOVA on each response separately.

  • But might miss some kinds of interesting dependence between the responses that distinguish the groups.


library(car) # may need to install first
library(MVTests) # also may need to install

Small example

  • Measure yield and seed weight of plants grown under 2 conditions: low and high amounts of fertilizer.

  • Data (fertilizer, yield, seed weight):

url <- ""
hilo <- read_delim(url, " ")
  • 2 responses, yield and seed weight.

The data


Boxplot for yield for each fertilizer group

ggplot(hilo, aes(x = fertilizer, y = yield)) + geom_boxplot()

Yields overlap for fertilizer groups.

Boxplot for weight for each fertilizer group

ggplot(hilo, aes(x = fertilizer, y = weight)) + geom_boxplot()

Weights overlap for fertilizer groups.

ANOVAs for yield and weight

hilo.y <- aov(yield ~ fertilizer, data = hilo)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
fertilizer   1   12.5  12.500   2.143  0.194
Residuals    6   35.0   5.833               
hilo.w <- aov(weight ~ fertilizer, data = hilo)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
fertilizer   1  3.125   3.125   1.471  0.271
Residuals    6 12.750   2.125               

Neither response depends significantly on fertilizer. But…

Plotting both responses at once

  • Have two response variables (not more), so can plot the response variables against each other, labelling points by which fertilizer group they’re from.
  • First, create data frame with points \((31,14)\) and \((38,10)\) (why? Later):
d <- tribble(
  ~line_x, ~line_y,
  31, 14,
  38, 10
  • Then plot data as points, and add line through points in d:
ggplot(hilo, aes(x = yield, y = weight,
                      colour = fertilizer)) + geom_point() +
  geom_line(data = d,
            aes(x = line_x, y = line_y, colour = NULL)) -> g

The plot


  • Graph construction:
    • Joining points in d by line.
    • geom_line inherits colour from aes in ggplot.
    • Data frame d has no fertilizer (previous colour), so have to unset.
  • Results:
    • High-fertilizer plants have both yield and weight high.

    • True even though no sig difference in yield or weight individually.

    • Drew line separating highs from lows on plot.

MANOVA finds multivariate differences

  • Is difference found by diagonal line significant? MANOVA finds out.
response <- with(hilo, cbind(yield, weight))
hilo.1 <- manova(response ~ fertilizer, data = hilo)
           Df  Pillai approx F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  
fertilizer  1 0.80154   10.097      2      5 0.01755 *
Residuals   6                                         
Signif. codes:  
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
  • Yes! Difference between groups is diagonally, not just up/down (weight) or left-right (yield). The yield-weight combination matters.


  • Create new response variable by gluing together columns of responses, using cbind.

  • Use manova with new response, looks like lm otherwise.

  • With more than 2 responses, cannot draw graph. What then?

  • If MANOVA test significant, cannot use Tukey. What then?

  • Use discriminant analysis (of which more later).

Another way to do MANOVA

using Manova from package car:

hilo.2.lm <- lm(response ~ fertilizer, data = hilo)
hilo.2 <- Manova(hilo.2.lm)

Type II MANOVA Tests:

Sum of squares and products for error:
       yield weight
yield     35 -18.00
weight   -18  12.75

Term: fertilizer 

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       yield weight
yield  12.50  6.250
weight  6.25  3.125

Multivariate Tests: fertilizer
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            1  0.801542 10.09714      2      5 0.017546 *
Wilks             1  0.198458 10.09714      2      5 0.017546 *
Hotelling-Lawley  1  4.038855 10.09714      2      5 0.017546 *
Roy               1  4.038855 10.09714      2      5 0.017546 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


  • Same result as small-m manova.

  • Manova will also do repeated measures, coming up later.


  • normality of each response variable within each treatment group
    • this is actually multivariate normality, with correlations
  • equal spreads: each response variable has same variances and correlations (with other response variables) within each treatment group. Here:
    • yield has same spread for low and high fertilizer
    • weight has same spread for low and high fertilizer
    • correlation between yield and weight is same for low and high fertilizer
  • test equal spread using Box’s \(M\) test
    • a certain amount of unequalness is OK, so only a concern if P-value from \(M\)-test is very small (eg. less than 0.001).

Assumptions for yield-weight data

For normal quantile plots, need “extra-long” with all the data values in one column:

hilo %>% 
  pivot_longer(-fertilizer, names_to = "xname", 
               values_to = "xvalue") %>% 
  ggplot(aes(sample = xvalue)) + stat_qq() + 
    stat_qq_line() +
    facet_grid(xname ~ fertilizer, scales = "free") -> g

There are only four observations per response variable - treatment group combination, so graphs are not very informative (over):

The plots


Box M test

  • Make sure package MVTests loaded first.
  • inputs:
    • the response matrix (or, equivalently, the response-variable columns from your dataframe)
    • the column with the grouping variable in it (most easily gotten with $).
hilo %>% select(yield, weight) -> numeric_values
summary(BoxM(numeric_values, hilo$fertilizer))
       Box's M Test 

Chi-Squared Value = 1.002964 , df = 3  and p-value: 0.801 
  • No problem at all with unequal spreads.

Another example: peanuts

  • Three different varieties of peanuts (mysteriously, 5, 6 and 8) planted in two different locations.

  • Three response variables: y, smk and w.

u <- ""
peanuts.orig <- read_delim(u, " ")

The data


Setup for analysis

peanuts.orig %>%
    location = factor(location),
    variety = factor(variety)
  ) -> peanuts
response <- with(peanuts, cbind(y, smk, w))
         y   smk    w
[1,] 195.3 153.1 51.4
[2,] 194.3 167.7 53.7
[3,] 189.7 139.5 55.5
[4,] 180.4 121.1 44.4
[5,] 203.0 156.8 49.8
[6,] 195.9 166.0 45.8

Analysis (using Manova)

peanuts.1 <- lm(response ~ location * variety, data = peanuts)
peanuts.2 <- Manova(peanuts.1)

Type II MANOVA Tests:

Sum of squares and products for error:
          y     smk       w
y   104.205  49.365  76.480
smk  49.365 352.105 121.995
w    76.480 121.995  94.835

Term: location 

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
              y       smk           w
y     0.7008333  -10.6575    7.129167
smk -10.6575000  162.0675 -108.412500
w     7.1291667 -108.4125   72.520833

Multivariate Tests: location
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            1  0.893484 11.18432      3      4 0.020502 *
Wilks             1  0.106516 11.18432      3      4 0.020502 *
Hotelling-Lawley  1  8.388243 11.18432      3      4 0.020502 *
Roy               1  8.388243 11.18432      3      4 0.020502 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: variety 

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
           y       smk        w
y   196.1150  365.1825  42.6275
smk 365.1825 1089.0150 414.6550
w    42.6275  414.6550 284.1017

Multivariate Tests: variety
                 Df test stat  approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
Pillai            2  1.709109  9.792388      6     10 0.0010562 **
Wilks             2  0.012444 10.619086      6      8 0.0019275 **
Hotelling-Lawley  2 21.375675 10.687838      6      6 0.0054869 **
Roy               2 18.187611 30.312685      3      5 0.0012395 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: location:variety 

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
           y      smk         w
y   205.1017 363.6675 107.78583
smk 363.6675 780.6950 254.22000
w   107.7858 254.2200  85.95167

Multivariate Tests: location:variety
                 Df test stat  approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            2  1.290861  3.033867      6     10 0.058708 .
Wilks             2  0.074300  3.558197      6      8 0.050794 .
Hotelling-Lawley  2  7.544290  3.772145      6      6 0.065517 .
Roy               2  6.824094 11.373490      3      5 0.011340 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1


  • Interaction not quite significant, but main effects are.

  • Combined response variable (y,smk,w) definitely depends on location and on variety

  • Weak dependence of (y,smk,w) on the location-variety combination.

  • Understanding that dependence beyond our scope right now.


  • this time there are only six observations per location and four per variety, so normality is still difficult to be confident about

  • y at location 1 seems to be the worst for normality (long tails / outliers), and maybe y at location 2 is skewed left, but the others are not bad

  • there is some evidence of unequal spread (slopes of lines), but is it bad enough to worry about? (Box M-test, over).

Box’s M tests

  • One for location, one for variety:
summary(BoxM(response, peanuts$location))
       Box's M Test 

Chi-Squared Value = 12.47797 , df = 6  and p-value: 0.0521 
summary(BoxM(response, peanuts$variety))
       Box's M Test 

Chi-Squared Value = 10.56304 , df = 12  and p-value: 0.567 
  • Neither of these P-values is low enough to worry about. (Remember, the P-value here has to be really small to indicate a problem.)