STAC33, Introduction to Applied Statistics
In person:
2 hours of lectures / week, Tuesday and Thursday
1 hour of tutorial / week, Monday
office hours after lectures
all exams (midterm and final) in person
This course will help you develop the skills to use software to analyze data, and to communicate the results.
Effective communication of results is key, since in applied work you are always trying to convince someone of what you found
I will help you to work towards this.
, office IA 4028Option 1: come to tutorial and ask the TA.
Option 2: Quercus discussion board:
Option 3: office hours.
You will learn how to use software to analyze data, and to communicate what you found.
This will be assessed through assignments (approximately weekly).
Along the way you will learn how to use R Notebooks and how to turn these into reports.
The exams will be done on paper and will ask you for code needed to solve a problem or for an explanation of or conclusions from an analysis that you are given.
The point of the exams is for you to demonstrate what you have learned from the course.
The blue thing on each line is a link:
Quercus: lecture videos, hand in assignments/projects, receive grades.
Course website: course news, reminders, lecture notes and code, assignment solutions, other stuff I want to share with you
Problems and Solutions in Applied Statistics: what it says; PASIAS for short.
To run R, can use Datatools (needs only web browser) or install R and R Studio on your computer. Instructions in lecture notes.
Graders will also give feedback on how you can improve for the next assignment.
Grades are the grader’s best assessment of the quality of the work, and are unlikely to change on appeal.
My (detailed) solutions will be available after each assignment is handed in.
Students with diverse learning styles and needs are welcome in this course. In particular, if you have a disability/health consideration that may require accommodations, please feel free to approach me and/or the AccessAbility Services Office as soon as possible. I will work with you and AccessAbility Services to ensure you can achieve your learning goals in this course. Enquiries are confidential. The UTSC AccessAbility Services staff are available by appointment to assess specific needs, provide referrals and arrange appropriate accommodations: (416) 287-7560 or by e-mail at
Extensions on assignments, if part of your accommodation, are limited to two days: I will be sharing my solutions with the class after that; you need to be preparing for the next assignment. A longer extension is setting you up for failure.
”, and then say whatever it is you learned from there. If you learned it in another course, say which course, but be aware that things may be done differently in other courses (see next page).