When pivot-wider goes wrong


The inevitable:


Some long data that should be wide

d <- tribble(
  ~obs, ~time, ~y,
  1, "pre", 19,
  2, "post", 18,
  3, "pre", 17,
  4, "post", 16,
  5, "pre", 15,
  6, "post", 14
  • Six observations of variable y, but three measured before some treatment and three measured after.
  • Really matched pairs, so want column of y-values for pre and for post.
  • pivot_wider.

What happens here?

d %>% pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = y)
  • Should be three pre values and three post. Why did this happen?
  • pivot_wider needs to know which row to put each observation in.
  • Uses combo of columns not named in pivot_wider, here obs (only).

The problem

d %>% pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = y)
  • There are 6 different obs values, so 6 different rows.
  • No data for obs 2 and pre, so that cell missing (NA).
  • Not enough data (6 obs) to fill 12 (\(= 2 \times 6\)) cells.
  • obs needs to say which subject provided which 2 observations.

Fixing it up

d2 <- tribble(
  ~subject, ~time, ~y,
  1, "pre", 19,
  1, "post", 18,
  2, "pre", 17,
  2, "post", 16,
  3, "pre", 15,
  3, "post", 14
  • column subject shows which subject provided each pre and post.
  • when we do pivot_wider, now only 3 rows, one per subject.

Coming out right

d2 %>% pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = y)
  • row each observation goes to determined by other column subject, and now a pre and post for each subject.
  • right layout for matched pairs \(t\) or to make differences for sign test or normal quantile plot.
  • “spaghetti plot” needs data longer, as d2.

Spaghetti plot

d2 %>% mutate(time = fct_inorder(time)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = y, group = subject)) +
    geom_point() + geom_line()
  • each subject’s y decreases over time, with subject 1 highest overall.

Another example

  • Two independent samples this time
  • These should be arranged like this
  • but what if we make them wider?


d3 %>% pivot_wider(names_from = group, values_from = y)
  • row determined by what not used for pivot_wider: nothing!
  • everything smooshed into one row!
  • this time, too much data for the layout.
  • Four data values squeezed into each of the two cells: “list-columns”.

Get the data out

  • To expand list-columns out into the data values they contain, can use unnest:
d3 %>% pivot_wider(names_from = group, values_from = y) %>% 
  unnest(c(control, treatment))
  • in this case, wrong layout, because data values not paired.

A proper use of list-columns

d3 %>% nest_by(group) %>% 
  summarize(n = nrow(data), 
            mean_y = mean(data$y), 
            sd_y = sd(data$y))
  • another way to do group_by and summarize to find stats by group.
  • run this one piece at a time to see what it does.