A journey with Targets

Another example of using the targets package

Ken Butler http://ritsokiguess.site/blog


There are lots of good reasons to adopt a workflow based around functions, and the targets package provides an excellent way to do that, by asking the user to express how the functions relate to one another. This solves a problem I always had when trying to express things in functions: I would end up with hundreds of little functions that I would have to keep straight, especially when something went wrong later and I would have to try to remember how my edifice of functions had actually been constructed.

There are lots of good introductions to targets, none better than the Walkthrough in the user manual. Having worked through that myself, I wanted to see whether I could build a targets project from scratch. This is the story of that process. Thanks to Blas Benito and Robert Flight on Mastodon for guiding me when I got stuck.

My aim was to read in some data from a website, make a graph, do an analysis, and write a report including these things, and to do this in a way that makes it easy to add a second analysis of a second dataset to the report. The second analysis I do here is (deliberately) structured in a different way to the first one, so that we can see what implications that has for the process.


We1 begin by installing the targets and tarchetypes2 packages.

Next, we go down to the console and run

Most of the actual running of things happens in the console with this way of working. Next,

This creates and opens a file called _targets.R that will say how everything is connected together. It is the equivalent of a Makefile in what it does, though the way it works is a bit different from a Makefile. The one use_targets creates is a template, with places to fill in what we need.

I was trying to keep things tidy, so I also created some folders at this point: data, where the data we read in from the website will be stored, report, where the files for my report will live, and R, where the code for our functions will live.

If you are using git/github, there is one more piece of setup to do. targets will create some (potentially) large objects in the folder _targets of your project, and these don’t need to be under version control (because they can always be recreated), so we add the _targets folder to .gitignore.

All of my code is here.

The soap data

The standard way to run targets is to define functions to do everything that needs doing (which you put in one or more files in the R folder), and then edit _targets.R to say how those functions work together to create what you need.

I have three functions: one to read the data from a file, one to make a scatterplot with points and lines defined by groups, and one to fit a regression model, strictly an analysis of covariance model, like this (in file functions.R in folder R):

read_data <- function(filename) {
  read_delim(filename, " ")

plot_lines <- function(x) {
  ggplot(x, aes(x = speed, y = scrap, colour = line)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_smooth(method = "lm")

fit_model1 <- function(x) {
  lm(scrap ~ speed + line, data = x)

The background is this: our data come from a factory that makes soap bars. The interest here is in how much scrap soap (which cannot be made into soap bars) is produced, which might depend on the speed at which the production is run. There are two different production lines, labelled a and b; the plot suggests that the scrap-speed relationship can be modelled by separate but parallel lines for each production line, which is what the model fits.

Now we have to edit _targets.R to express this. Here is the top bit of mine, with comments edited out:

library(tarchetypes) # Load other packages as needed. # nolint
  packages = c("tidyverse"), # packages that your targets need to run
  format = "rds" # default storage format

First we have the targets script load both targets and tarchetypes that we installed earlier.3 Then we add any packages that we need for the analysis to run: in this case tidyverse, or if you’re a stickler for efficiency, readr and ggplot2. The storage format came from use_targets; unless you are creating huge things in your code, the default will be fine. Finally, we load the functions that we wrote.

The bottom bit of _targets.R is the bit that looks like a Makefile, where we say how those functions are going to be used. This is the currently relevant part of mine:

  tar_download(file1, "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/soap.txt",
               paths = "data/soap.txt"),
  tar_target(soap, read_data(file1)),
  tar_target(plot1, plot_lines(soap)),
  tar_target(model1, fit_model1(soap))

Each of these create a “target”, the first thing inside tar_target (or tar_download), and anything else says how that target is made. Each tar_target can (and undoubtedly will) use previously made targets.

I have to talk about the first one. My datafile existed on a website with the URL shown, but targets works with local files only. tarchetypes contains a number of recipes for doing jobs like this. tar_download creates here a target file1 that refers to the datafile by downloading the datafile from its website to a file in data. file1 refers to that file without us having to remember where the file is.

So, having created a target file1 that refers to the (downloaded and locally stored) datafile, the next three targets do this:

Having set up our pipeline, now we can think about running it. Before that, we can go to the console and type tar_visnetwork(). This makes a diagram showing how the bits fit together. In this case we have, left to right:

The value of looking at this diagram is to make sure that we have coded the dependency structure properly, which it seems (in this case) I have done.

Also note that the targets are colour-coded according to whether they are up-to-date or outdated. At first, everything will be outdated, but later only some of it will be outdated. targets knows to only update what needs updating.

Next, we actually run everything. This is done in the console with tar_make. This will update everything that needs updating, using in each case the recipe in _targets.R. The output to tar_make() tells you whether each target was “built” (updated) or “skipped” (nothing in that target had changed). If anything goes wrong, there will be an error message. I find the error messages not very helpful, but at least it is clear which of the targets caused the error, which at least gives a place to start looking.

Once everything has run, the output from each target is stored,4 and can be inspected (in the Console) using tar_read. For example, tar_read(soap) will display the dataframe that was read in from the file, and tar_read(plot1) will display the scatterplot. You can do the same thing with the fitted model object model1, but this is probably not what you want; you would probably prefer to look at the summary of the model,5 which you can do like this:


tar_load puts a copy of the target named into your workspace, and then you can do something with it as you normally would.

Making a child report

So far, this is very standard targets work: use functions to make a pipeline that you specify in _targets.R, and then use tar_make to run it. But, having gotten this to work, I wanted to add a report, and I wanted to do so flexibly, so that I could easily add a different analysis of a different dataset later. The way I like to do this is to use “child documents”: write each report as a separate .Rmd file, and then have a “parent” report that loads each child report.

We’ll get to the parent report later. Let’s write a report about the soap data first, which will be saved in soap.Rmd in the report folder. This is a child document, so it has no YAML header, and we begin right away with the report header and a description of the dataset. The report structure will be simple: we display the data, display the scatterplot (and talk about it a bit), then display the regression output (and talk about that a bit).

There is a standard targets way of making reports like these: we do all the computation in previous targets (as we have done), and then we read in what we want to display with tar_read or tar_load as we did above, instead of doing more computation to obtain a target that we already have. For this report, that means having three code chunks, the content of which we have already seen:


to display the data,


to display the scatterplot, and


to display the model output. That, together with my comments, is soap.Rmd.

Finally, we need to add this into the pipeline, so that targets knows to update this part of the report if the text in it changes, or if any of soap, plot1, or model1 changes.6 This is a so-called “file” target, and we add it to the end of _targets.R to make this:

  tar_download(file1, "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/soap.txt",
               paths = "data/soap.txt"),
  tar_target(soap, read_data(file1)),
  tar_target(plot1, plot_lines(soap)),
  tar_target(model1, fit_model1(soap)),
  tar_target(soap_report, "report/soap.Rmd", format = "file")

targets knows additionally that the soap report depends on soap, plot1, and model1 because of the tar_read and tar_load statements in the report. (This doesn’t always show up in tar_visnetwork, but targets knows about it all the same.)

Making a parent report

This is a genuine Markdown report, so it begins with a YAML header specifying the author, title, date, etc. Then follows a setup chunk with knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE): the only code in this part of the report is the tar_read and tar_load statements that the reader doesn’t need to see.

Then we need to say that this report depends on soap_report, so that if that changes, the parent report needs to be updated. I come from a Makefile background, so this took some time (and help) for me to figure out, but the way you do it is, as in the child report, tar_loading the target that represents the report:


Then I had some preamble text.

Then we load the child report itself. It seems that it should be possible to use soap_report directly (it contains the path to the child report), but I couldn’t get this to work, so I specified the actual path to the child report directly with child = "report/soap.Rmd" as a chunk option.7

The last thing to do here is to add the parent report as a target. We now have:

  tar_download(file1, "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/soap.txt",
               paths = "data/soap.txt"),
  tar_target(soap, read_data(file1)),
  tar_target(plot1, plot_lines(soap)),
  tar_target(model1, fit_model1(soap)),
  tar_target(soap_report, "report/soap.Rmd", format = "file"),
  tar_render(final_report, "report/report.Rmd")

The parent report is the thing that needs to be knitted, so we use the special target tar_render (from tarchetypes), which says to take the document stored in the second input, and knit it to create the target that is the first input. After this runs, there is a file report.html in report that is the knitted report.

Including the code in a report

If I were writing the report for someone else, I wouldn’t expect them to be very interested in the code that produced the plot or the model summary. But for teaching, it is very useful to show what code the output came from. The problem with the targets-style analysis we just did is that, by separating the computation from the reporting, the code is nowhere to be found.

At the expense of good targets style and efficient computation, however, there is no problem including the computation in the report, so that my second child report, in report/spiders.Rmd, looks like any other R Notebook you might write, with code chunks and the output immediately below them, to read in the data from a website, make a boxplot and run a logistic regression. The background for this one is that a certain spider is or is not found on a beach, and the research hypothesis is that whether or not this spider is found depends somehow on the size of the grains of sand on that beach.

So there is no difficulty composing this kind of report, and no need to write extra functions and make extra targets to compute its constituent pieces. The only extra thing that needs to go in _targets.R is this:

  tar_download(file1, "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/soap.txt",
               paths = "data/soap.txt"),
  tar_target(soap, read_data(file1)),
  tar_target(plot1, plot_lines(soap)),
  tar_target(model1, fit_model1(soap)),
  tar_target(soap_report, "report/soap.Rmd", format = "file"),
  tar_target(spiders_report, "report/spiders.Rmd", format = "file"),
  tar_render(final_report, "report/report.Rmd")

(the second to last line, entirely analogous to the other child report). The extra stuff that goes in the parent report is to turn the display of code back on:

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Another tar_load:


(to build the dependence of the parent report on this child one as well), and then the actual importation of the second child report with child = "report/spiders.Rmd" in the options of another empty code chunk.

This puts all the dependencies in the right places, and so another tar_make will build the whole report with its two child reports on the two datasets, updating anything that needs updating.

  1. The authorly “we”, meaning you, the reader, and I are going on this journey together. Or so the fiction has it.↩︎

  2. This is needed for some extensions to targets, two of which I use here.↩︎

  3. The reason for tarchetypes will become clear shortly.↩︎

  4. In an .rds file in the _targets folder.↩︎

  5. Or run something like broom::tidy.↩︎

  6. Which might be because we changed the plot-drawing function to make a different plot, for example.↩︎

  7. Actually done Quarto-style within the chunk, using the special comment line #|.↩︎


For attribution, please cite this work as

Butler (2022, Dec. 19). Ken's Blog: A journey with Targets. Retrieved from http://ritsokiguess.site/blogg/posts/2022-12-19-a-journey-with-targets/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Butler, Ken},
  title = {Ken's Blog: A journey with Targets},
  url = {http://ritsokiguess.site/blogg/posts/2022-12-19-a-journey-with-targets/},
  year = {2022}