Applications of Statistical Methods

Ken Butler

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Welcome to the home page for STAC32. This is the place to look for all things course-related (notes, assignments, announcements etc., linked above) except for assignment hand-ins and marks, which will be on Quercus.

This is an applied course. Expect to be describing the process by which you got your answers, and explaining what the answers mean in the context of the data you are working with: that is to say, using your language skills as well as your statistical skills. Be prepared to show your understanding and insight; this course is about a lot more than “getting the answer”.

In real life, people do Statistics to make decisions or inform actions, and you will be expected to play your full part in that process, both in this course and in your statistical future.

News (most recent at the top):

  • 2024-06-28 19:00: time to open things up for the fall 2024 edition of this course:
    • I’m aware that the course is filling up fast. After the 3rd years have had a chance to enrol, I will look more carefully at who is on the waitlist, with the aim of making sure that those who really need the course are able to take it, subject to space being available. My priority order is: students in the Statistics Applied Minor program, and within those, students in the fourth year of study (or beyond) as calculated by UTSC, then students in earlier years of study in the program, and then students in other programs. Appealing directly to me will not change that.
    • There are (COVID-era old) recordings of the lecture material. Things have changed since they were made, but they will be available in case you must miss an occasional lecture (for example, you are sick). They are not a substitute for routinely missing lecture; if you do that, you risk missing important material and thereby hurting your grade.
    • I will be checking prerequisites. To take STAC32, you must have completed (by the time STAC32 starts in September) either STAB27 or PSYC08 or MGEB12. If you have not completed one of these courses by then, you will be removed from STAC32.
    • Looking ahead to next winter’s STAD29: my aim is to make sure that there will be enough space in that course for everyone that wants to take it (and has completed STAC32).
    • Program FAQ.