34  Repeated measures

Packages for this chapter:


34.1 Effect of drug on rat weight

Box (1950) gives data on the weights of three groups of rats. One group was given thyroxin in their drinking water, one group thiouracil, and the third group was a control. (This description comes from Christensen (2001).)1 Weights are measured in grams at weekly intervals (over a 4-week period, so that each rat is measured 5 times). The data are in link as a .csv file.

  1. Read in the data and check that you have a column of drug and five columns of rat weights at different times.

  2. Why would it be wrong to use something like pivot_longer to create one column of weights, and separate columns of drug and time, and then to run a two-way ANOVA? Explain briefly.

  3. Create a suitable response variable and fit a suitable lm as the first step of the repeated-measures analysis.

  4. Load the package car and run a suitable Manova. To do this, you will need to set up the right thing for idata and idesign.

  5. Take a look at the output from the MANOVA. Is there a significant interaction? What does its significance (or lack thereof) mean?

  6. We are going to draw an interaction plot in a moment. To set that up, use pivot_longer as in the lecture notes to create one column of weights and a second column of times. (You don’t need to do the separate thing that I did in class, though if you want to try it, go ahead.)

  7. Obtain an interaction plot. Putting time as the x will put time along the horizontal axis, which is the way we’re used to seeing such things. Begin by calculating the mean weight for each time-drug combination.

  8. How does this plot show why the interaction was significant? Explain briefly.

34.2 Social interaction among old people

A graduate student wrote a thesis comparing different treatments for increasing social interaction among geriatric patients. He recruited 21 patients at a state mental hospital and randomly assigned them to treatments: Reality Orientation (ro), Behavior Therapy (bt) or no treatment (ctrl). Each subject was observed at four times, labelled t1 through t4 in the data file link. The response variable was the percentage of time that the subject was “engaging in the relevant social interaction”, so that a higher value is better.

The principal aim of the study was to see whether there were differences among the treatments (one would hope that the real treatments were better than the control one), and whether there were any patterns over time.

  1. Read in the data and display at least some of it.

  2. Create a response variable and fit a suitable lm as the first stage of the repeated-measures analysis.

  3. Run a suitable Manova. There is some setup first. Make sure you do that.

  4. Display the results of your repeated-measures analysis. What do you conclude? Explain briefly.

  5. To understand the results that you got from the repeated measures analysis, you are going to draw a picture (or two). To do that, we are going to need the data in “long” format with one response value per line (instead of four). Use pivot_longer suitably to get the data in that format, and demonstrate that you have done so.

  6. Calculate and save the mean interaction percents for each time-treatment combination.

  7. Make an interaction plot. Arrange things so that time goes across the page. Use your data frame of means that you just calculated.

  8. Describe what you see on your interaction plot, and what it says about why your repeated-measures analysis came out as it did.

  9. Draw a spaghetti plot of these data. That is, use ggplot to plot the interaction percent against time for each subject, joining the points for the same subject by lines whose colour shows what treatment they were on. Use the “long” data frame for this (not the data frame of means).

34.3 Children’s stress levels and airports

If you did STAC32, you might remember this question, which we can now do properly. Some of this question is a repeat from there.

The data in link are based on a 1998 study of stress levels in children as a result of the building of a new airport in Munich, Germany. A total of 200 children had their epinephrine levels (a stress indicator) measured at each of four different times: before the airport was built, and 6, 18 and 36 months after it was built. The four measurements are labelled epi_1 through epi_4. Out of the children, 100 were living near the new airport (location 1 in the data set), and could be expected to suffer stress because of the new airport. The other 100 children lived in the same city, but outside the noise impact zone. These children thus serve as a control group. The children are identified with numbers 1 through 200.

  1. If we were testing for the effect of time, explain briefly what it is about the structure of the data that would make an analysis of variance inappropriate.

  2. Read the data into R and demonstrate that you have the right number of observations and variables.

  3. Create and save a “longer” data frame with all the epinephrine values collected together into one column.

  4. Make a “spaghetti plot” of these data: that is, a plot of epinephrine levels against time, with the locations identified by colour, and the points for the same child joined by lines. To do this: (i) from the long data frame, create a new column containing only the numeric values of time (1 through 4), (ii) plot epinephrine level against time with the points grouped by child and coloured by location (which you may have to turn from a number into a factor.)

  5. What do you see on your spaghetti plot? We are looking ahead to possible effects of time, location and their interaction.

  6. The spaghetti plot was hard to interpret because there are so many children. Calculate the mean epinephrine levels for each location-time combination, and make an interaction plot with time on the \(x\)-axis and location as the second factor.

  7. What do you conclude from your interaction plot? Is your conclusion clearer than from the spaghetti plot?

  8. Run a repeated-measures analysis of variance and display the results. Go back to your original data frame, the one you read in from the file, for this. You’ll need to make sure your numeric location gets treated as a factor.

  9. What do you conclude from the MANOVA? Is that consistent with your graphs? Explain briefly.

34.4 Body fat as repeated measures

This one is also stolen from STAC32. Athletes are concerned with measuring their body fat percentage. Two different methods are available: one using ultrasound, and the other using X-ray technology. We are interested in whether there is a difference in the mean body fat percentage as measured by these two methods, and if so, how big that difference is. Data on 16 athletes are at link.

  1. Read in the data and check that you have a sensible number of rows and columns.

  2. Carry out a suitable (matched-pairs) \(t\)-test to determine whether the means are the same or different.

  3. What do you conclude from the test?

  4. Run a repeated-measures analysis of variance, treating the two methods of measuring body fat as the repeated measures (ie., playing the role of “time” that you have seen in most of the other repeated measures analyses). There is no “treatment” here, so there is nothing to go on the right side of the squiggle. Insert a 1 there to mean “just an intercept”. Display the results.

  5. Compare your repeated-measures analysis to your matched-pairs one. Do you draw the same conclusions?

34.5 Investigating motor activity in rats

A researcher named King was investigating the effect of the drug midazolam on motor activity in rats. Typically, the first time the drug is injected, a rat’s motor activity decreases substantially, but rats typically develop a “tolerance”, so that further injections of the drug have less impact on the rat’s motor activity.

The data shown in link were all taken in one day, called the “experiment day” below. 24 different rats were used. Each rat, on the experiment day, was injected with a fixed amount of midazolam, and at each of six five-minute intervals after being injected, the rat’s motor activity was measured (these are labelled i1 through i6 in the data). The rats differed in how they had been treated before the experiment day. The control group of rats had previously been injected repeatedly with a saline solution (no active ingredient), so the experiment day was the first time this group of rats had received midazolam. The other two groups of rats had both received midazolam repeatedly before the experiment day: the “same” group was injected on experiment day in the same environment that the previous injections had taken place (this is known in psychology as a “conditioned tolerance”), but the “different” group had the previous injections in a different environment than on experiment day.

The column id identifies the rat from which each sequence of values was obtained.

  1. Explain briefly why we need to use a repeated measures analysis for these data.

  2. Read in the data and note that you have what was promised in the question.

  3. We are going to do a repeated-measures analysis using the “profile” method shown in class. Create a suitable response variable for this method.

  4. Set up the “within-subjects” part of the analysis. That means getting hold of the names of the columns that hold the different times, saving them, and also making a data frame out of them:

  5. Fit the repeated-measures ANOVA. This will involve fitting an lm first, if you have not already done so.

  6. What do you conclude from your repeated-measures ANOVA? Explain briefly, in the context of the data.

  7. To understand the results of the previous part, we are going to make a spaghetti plot. In preparation for that, we need to save the data in “long format” with one observation on one time point in each row. Arrange that, and show by displaying (some of) the data that you have done so.

  8. Make a spaghetti plot: that is, plot motor activity against the time points, joining the points for each rat by lines, and colouring the points and lines according to the context.

  9. Looking at your spaghetti plot, why do you think your repeated-measures ANOVA came out as it did? Explain briefly.

34.6 Repeated measures with no background

Nine people are randomly chosen to receive one of three treatments, labelled A, B and C. Each person has their response y to the treatment measured at three times, labelled T1, T2 and T3. The main aim of the study is to properly assess the effects of the treatments. A higher value of y is better.

The data are in link.

  1. There are \(9 \times 3=27\) observations of y in this study. Why would it be wrong to treat these as 27 independent observations? Explain briefly.

  2. Read in the data values. Are they tidy or untidy? Explain briefly. (The data values are separated by tabs, like the Australian athlete data.)

  3. Make a spaghetti plot: that is, a plot of y against time, with the observations for the same individual joined by lines which are coloured according to the treatment that individual received.

  4. On your spaghetti plot, how do the values of y for the treatments compare over time?

  5. Explain briefly how the data are in the wrong format for a repeated-measures ANOVA (done using MANOVA, as in class), and use pivot_wider to get the data set into the right format.

  6. Run a repeated-measures ANOVA the Manova way. What do you conclude from it?

  7. How is your conclusion from the previous part consistent with your spaghetti plot? Explain briefly.

My solutions follow:

34.7 Effect of drug on rat weight

Box (1950) gives data on the weights of three groups of rats.2 One group was given thyroxin in their drinking water, one group thiouracil, and the third group was a control. (This description comes from Christensen (2001).)3 Weights are measured in grams at weekly intervals (over a 4-week period, so that each rat is measured 5 times). The data are in link as a .csv file.

  1. Read in the data and check that you have a column of drug and five columns of rat weights at different times.


A .csv file, so read_csv. (I typed the data from Christensen (2001) into a spreadsheet.)

my_url <- "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/ratweight.csv"
weights <- read_csv(my_url)
Rows: 27 Columns: 7
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): drug
dbl (6): rat, Time0, Time1, Time2, Time3, Time4

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

There are 27 rats altogether, each measured five times (labelled time 0 through 4). The rats are also labelled rat (the first column), which will be useful later.


  1. Why would it be wrong to use something like pivot_longer to create one column of weights, and separate columns of drug and time, and then to run a two-way ANOVA? Explain briefly.


Such a solution would assume that we have measurements on different rats, one for each drug-time combination. But we have sets of five measurements all on the same rat: that is to say, we have repeated measures, and the proper analysis will take that into account.


  1. Create a suitable response variable and fit a suitable lm as the first step of the repeated-measures analysis.


The response variable is the same idea as for any MANOVA: just glue the columns together:

response <- with(weights, cbind(Time0, Time1, Time2, Time3, Time4))
weights.1 <- lm(response ~ drug, data = weights)
weights %>% select(starts_with("Time")) %>% 
  as.matrix() -> y

Now, we don’t look at weights.1, but we do use it as input to Manova in a moment.


  1. Load the package car and run a suitable Manova. To do this, you will need to set up the right thing for idata and idesign.


Something like this:

times <- colnames(response)
[1] "Time0" "Time1" "Time2" "Time3" "Time4"
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
weights.2 <- Manova(weights.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)

The thought process is that the columns of the response (Time.0 through Time.4) are all times. This is the “within-subject design” part of it: within a rat, the different response values are at different times. That’s the only part of it that is within subjects. The different drugs are a “between-subjects” factor: each rat only gets one of the drugs.4


  1. Take a look at all the output from the MANOVA. Is there a significant interaction? What does its significance (or lack thereof) mean?


Look at the summary, which is rather long:


Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
Time0           1
Time1           1
Time2           1
Time3           1
Time4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)     6875579

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1   0.99257 3204.089      1     24 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1   0.00743 3204.089      1     24 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 133.50372 3204.089      1     24 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1 133.50372 3204.089      1     24 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: drug 

 Response transformation matrix:
Time0           1
Time1           1
Time2           1
Time3           1
Time4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    33193.27

Multivariate Tests: drug
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
Pillai            2 0.3919186 7.734199      2     24 0.0025559 **
Wilks             2 0.6080814 7.734199      2     24 0.0025559 **
Hotelling-Lawley  2 0.6445166 7.734199      2     24 0.0025559 **
Roy               2 0.6445166 7.734199      2     24 0.0025559 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2 times3 times4
Time0      1      0      0      0
Time1      0      1      0      0
Time2      0      0      1      0
Time3      0      0      0      1
Time4     -1     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
          times1 times2    times3   times4
times1 235200.00 178920 116106.67 62906.67
times2 178920.00 136107  88324.00 47854.00
times3 116106.67  88324  57316.15 31053.93
times4  62906.67  47854  31053.93 16825.04

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1   0.98265 297.3643      4     21 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1   0.01735 297.3643      4     21 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  56.64082 297.3643      4     21 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1  56.64082 297.3643      4     21 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: drug:times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2 times3 times4
Time0      1      0      0      0
Time1      0      1      0      0
Time2      0      0      1      0
Time3      0      0      0      1
Time4     -1     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
         times1   times2   times3   times4
times1 9192.071 8948.843 6864.676 3494.448
times2 8948.843 8787.286 6740.286 3381.529
times3 6864.676 6740.286 5170.138 2594.103
times4 3494.448 3381.529 2594.103 1334.006

Multivariate Tests: drug:times
                 Df test stat  approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            2 0.8779119  4.303151      8     44 0.00069308 ***
Wilks             2 0.2654858  4.939166      8     42 0.00023947 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  2 2.2265461  5.566365      8     40 9.3465e-05 ***
Roy               2 1.9494810 10.722146      4     22 5.6277e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

             Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df   F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 1375116      1  10300.2     24 3204.0892 < 2.2e-16 ***
drug           6639      2  10300.2     24    7.7342  0.002556 ** 
times        146292      4   4940.7     96  710.6306 < 2.2e-16 ***
drug:times     6777      8   4940.7     96   16.4606 4.185e-15 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

           Test statistic   p-value
times           0.0072565 1.781e-19
drug:times      0.0072565 1.781e-19

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

            GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times      0.33165  < 2.2e-16 ***
drug:times 0.33165  2.539e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

              HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times      0.3436277 9.831975e-26
drug:times 0.3436277 1.757377e-06

Start near the bottom with Mauchly’s test. This is strongly significant (for the interaction, which is our focus here) and means that sphericity fails and the P-value for the interaction in the univariate test is not to be trusted (it is much too small). Look instead at the Huynh-Feldt adjusted P-value at the very bottom, \(1.76 \times 10^{-6}\). This is strongly significant still, but it is a billion times bigger than the one in the univariate table! For comparison, the test for interaction in the multivariate analysis has a P-value of 0.0007 or less, depending on which of the four tests you look at (this time, they are not all the same). As usual, the multivariate tests have bigger P-values than the appropriately adjusted univariate tests, but the P-values are all pointing in the same direction.

The significant interaction means that the effect of time on growth is different for the different drugs: that is, the effect of drug is over the whole time profile, not just something like “a rat on Thyroxin is on average 10 grams heavier than a control rat, over all times”.

Since the interaction is significant, that’s where we stop, as far as interpretation is concerned.


  1. We are going to draw an interaction plot in a moment. To set that up, use pivot_longer as in the lecture notes to create one column of weights and a second column of times. (You don’t need to do the separate thing that I did in class, though if you want to try it, go ahead.)


Like this:

weights %>% 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("Time"), names_to="time", values_to="weight") -> weights.long

My data frame was called weights, so I was OK with having a variable called weight. Watch out for that if you call the data frame weight, though.

Since the piece of the time we want is the number, parse_number (from readr, part of the tidyverse) should also work:

weights %>% 
  pivot_longer(starts_with("Time"), names_to="timex", values_to="weight") %>% 
  mutate(time = parse_number(timex)) -> weights2.long
weights2.long %>% sample_n(20)

I decided to show you a random collection of rows, so that you can see that parse_number worked for various different times.


  1. Obtain an interaction plot. Putting time as the x will put time along the horizontal axis, which is the way we’re used to seeing such things. Begin by calculating the mean weight for each time-drug combination.


group_by, summarize and ggplot, the latter using the data frame that came out of the summarize. The second factor drug goes as the colour and group both, since time has grabbed the x spot:

weights.long %>%
  group_by(time, drug) %>%
  summarize(mean.weight = mean(weight)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = mean.weight, colour = drug, group = drug)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'time'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


  1. How does this plot show why the interaction was significant? Explain briefly.


At the beginning, all the rats have the same average growth, but from time 2 (or maybe even 1) or so, the rats on thiouracil grew more slowly. The idea is not just that thiouracil has a constant effect over all times, but that the pattern of growth is different for the different drugs: whether or not thiouracil inhibits growth, and, if so, by how much, depends on what time point you are looking at.

Rats on thyroxin or the control drug grew at pretty much the same rate over all times, so I wouldn’t concern myself with any differences there.

What I thought would be interesting is to plot the growth curves for all the rats individually, colour-coded by which drug the rat was on. This is the repeated-measures version of the ANOVA interaction plot with the data on it, a so-called spaghetti plot. (We don’t use the lines for the means, here, instead using them for joining the measurements belonging to the same subject.)

When I first used this data set, it didn’t have a column identifying which rat was which, which made this plot awkward, but now it does (the column rat). So we can start directly from the dataframe I created above called weights.long:


Each rat is identified by rat``, which repeats 5 times, once for each value oftime`:

weights.long %>% count(rat)

In the data frame weights.long, we plot time (\(x\)) against weight (\(y\)), grouping the points according to rat and colouring them according to drug.

ggplot(weights.long, aes(time, weight, group = rat, colour = drug)) + geom_line()

As you see, “spaghetti plot” is a rather apt name for this kind of thing.

I like this plot because, unlike the interaction plot, which shows only means, this gives a sense of variability as well. The blue and red lines (thyroxin and control) are all intermingled and they go straight up. So there is nothing to choose between these. The green lines, though, start off mixed up with the red and blue ones but finish up at the bottom: the pattern of growth of the thiouracil rats is different from the others, which is why we had a significant interaction between drug and time.

drug is categorical, so ggplot uses a set of distinguishable colours to mark the levels. If our colour had been a numerical variable, ggplot would have used a range of colours like light blue to dark blue, with lighter being higher, for example.

What, you want to see that? All right. This one is kind of silly, but you see the point:

ggplot(weights.long, aes(time, weight, group = rat, colour = weight)) + geom_line()

The line segments get lighter as you go up the page.

Since we went to the trouble of making the “long” data frame, we can also run a repeated measures analysis using the mixed-model idea (described more fully in the problem of the children near the new airport):

wt.1 <- lmer(weight ~ drug * time + (1 | rat), data = weights.long)
drop1(wt.1, test = "Chisq")

The drug-by-time interaction is even more strongly significant than in the profile analysis. (The output from drop1 reminds us that the only thing we should be thinking about now is that interaction.)


34.8 Social interaction among old people

A graduate student wrote a thesis comparing different treatments for increasing social interaction among geriatric patients. He recruited 21 patients at a state mental hospital and randomly assigned them to treatments: Reality Orientation (ro), Behavior Therapy (bt) or no treatment (ctrl). Each subject was observed at four times, labelled t1 through t4 in the data file link. The response variable was the percentage of time that the subject was “engaging in the relevant social interaction”, so that a higher value is better.

The principal aim of the study was to see whether there were differences among the treatments (one would hope that the real treatments were better than the control one), and whether there were any patterns over time.

  1. Read in the data and display at least some of it.


The usual, separated by a single space:

my_url <- "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/geriatrics.txt"
geriatrics <- read_delim(my_url, " ")
Rows: 21 Columns: 6
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: " "
chr (1): treatment
dbl (5): subject, t1, t2, t3, t4

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Correctly 21 observations measured at 4 different times. We also have subject numbers, which might be useful later.


  1. Create a response variable and fit a suitable lm as the first stage of the repeated-measures analysis.



response <- with(geriatrics, cbind(t1, t2, t3, t4))
geriatrics.1 <- lm(response ~ treatment, data = geriatrics)

There is no need to look at this, since we are going to feed it into Manova in a moment, but in case you’re curious, you see (in summary) a regression of each of the four columns in response on treatment, one by one.


  1. Run a suitable Manova. There is some setup first. Make sure you do that.


Make sure car is loaded, and do the idata and idesign thing:

       t1   t2  t3  t4
 [1,] 1.5  9.0 5.0 4.0
 [2,] 5.0 14.0 4.5 7.0
 [3,] 1.0  8.0 4.5 2.5
 [4,] 5.0 14.0 8.0 5.0
 [5,] 3.0  8.0 4.0 4.0
 [6,] 0.5  3.5 1.3 1.0
 [7,] 0.5  3.0 1.0 0.0
 [8,] 2.0  5.0 5.0 1.5
 [9,] 1.5  1.9 1.5 1.0
[10,] 3.5  7.0 8.0 4.0
[11,] 1.5  4.2 2.0 1.5
[12,] 1.5  3.6 2.0 1.0
[13,] 1.5  2.5 2.8 4.0
[14,] 1.5  2.4 0.5 0.0
[15,] 3.0  3.1 0.5 2.0
[16,] 5.0  4.3 3.5 4.0
[17,] 1.5  0.8 1.3 3.0
[18,] 2.0  2.6 1.5 2.0
[19,] 6.0  3.5 4.0 3.0
[20,] 1.0  1.0 0.3 0.0
[21,] 0.0  0.3 0.3 1.0
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
geriatrics.2 <- Manova(geriatrics.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)

In case you’re curious, response is an R matrix:

[1] "matrix" "array" 

and not a data frame (because it was created by cbind which makes a matrix out of vectors). So, to pull the names off the top, we really do need colnames (applied to a matrix) rather than just names (which applies to a data frame).


  1. Display the results of your repeated-measures analysis. What do you conclude? Explain briefly.


Its summary will get you what you want:

Warning in summary.Anova.mlm(geriatrics.2): HF eps > 1 treated as 1

Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
t1           1
t2           1
t3           1
t4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    3286.252

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.7458921 52.83606      1     18 9.3318e-07 ***
Wilks             1 0.2541079 52.83606      1     18 9.3318e-07 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 2.9353366 52.83606      1     18 9.3318e-07 ***
Roy               1 2.9353366 52.83606      1     18 9.3318e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: treatment 

 Response transformation matrix:
t1           1
t2           1
t3           1
t4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    360.6695

Multivariate Tests: treatment
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            2 0.2436597 2.899406      2     18 0.080994 .
Wilks             2 0.7563403 2.899406      2     18 0.080994 .
Hotelling-Lawley  2 0.3221562 2.899406      2     18 0.080994 .
Roy               2 0.3221562 2.899406      2     18 0.080994 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3
t1      1      0      0
t2      0      1      0
t3      0      0      1
t4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
           times1     times2    times3
times1  0.5833333  -8.366667 -1.666667
times2 -8.3666667 120.001905 23.904762
times3 -1.6666667  23.904762  4.761905

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.7214276  13.8119      3     16 0.000105 ***
Wilks             1 0.2785724  13.8119      3     16 0.000105 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 2.5897315  13.8119      3     16 0.000105 ***
Roy               1 2.5897315  13.8119      3     16 0.000105 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: treatment:times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3
t1      1      0      0
t2      0      1      0
t3      0      0      1
t4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
           times1    times2    times3
times1   8.166667 -27.33333 -4.933333
times2 -27.333333  91.61524 17.569524
times3  -4.933333  17.56952 11.443810

Multivariate Tests: treatment:times
                 Df test stat  approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            2 0.9258067  4.883886      6     34 0.00107288 ** 
Wilks             2 0.2190296  6.062534      6     32 0.00025426 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  2 2.9043306  7.260827      6     30 7.4555e-05 ***
Roy               2 2.6552949 15.046671      3     17 4.8948e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

                Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)     821.56      1   279.89     18 52.8361 9.332e-07 ***
treatment        90.17      2   279.89     18  2.8994   0.08099 .  
times            87.07      3    72.25     54 21.6933 2.378e-09 ***
treatment:times  90.77      6    72.25     54 11.3067 3.827e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

                Test statistic p-value
times                  0.85209 0.75008
treatment:times        0.85209 0.75008

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

                 GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times           0.90848  1.108e-08 ***
treatment:times 0.90848  1.434e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                  HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times           1.086414 2.377839e-09
treatment:times 1.086414 3.826914e-08

As is the way, start at the bottom and go up to Mauchly’s test for sphericity. No problem here, so you can use the P-value for interaction on the univariate test as is ($3.8 ^{-8}). By way of comparison, the Huynh-Feldt adjusted P-value is exactly the same (not actually adjusted at all), which makes sense because there was no lack of sphericity. The multivariate tests for the interaction have P-values that vary, but they are all (i) a bit bigger than the univariate one, and (ii) still significant.

Thus, the interaction is significant, so the effects of the treatments are different at different times. (It makes most sense to say it this way around, since treatment is something that was controlled and time was not.)

You, I hope, know better than to look at the main effects when there is a significant interaction!


  1. To understand the results that you got from the repeated measures analysis, you are going to draw a picture (or two). To do that, we are going to need the data in “long” format with one response value per line (instead of four). Use pivot_longer suitably to get the data in that format, and demonstrate that you have done so.


The usual layout:

geriatrics %>% 
  pivot_longer(t1:t4, names_to="time", values_to = "intpct") -> geriatrics.long

I have one column of interaction percents, and one column of times. If you check the whole thing, you’ll see that pivot_longer gives all the measurements for subject 1, then subject 2, and so on.

The long data frame is, well, long.

It’s not necessary to pull out the numeric time values, though you could if you wanted to, by using parse_number.


  1. Calculate and save the mean interaction percents for each time-treatment combination.


group_by followed by summarize, as ever:

geriatrics.long %>%
  group_by(treatment, time) %>%
  summarize(mean = mean(intpct)) -> means
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'treatment'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.


  1. Make an interaction plot. Arrange things so that time goes across the page. Use your data frame of means that you just calculated.


Once you have the means, this is not too bad:

ggplot(means, aes(x = time, y = mean, group = treatment, colour = treatment)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()

The “second factor” treatment appears as both group and colour.


  1. Describe what you see on your interaction plot, and what it says about why your repeated-measures analysis came out as it did.


The two “real” treatments bt and ro both go up sharply between time 1 and time 2, and then come back down so that by time 4 they are about where they started. The control group basically didn’t change at all, and if anything went down between times 1 and 2, a completely different pattern to the others. The two treatments bt and ro are not exactly parallel, but they do at least have qualitatively the same pattern.5 It is, I think, the fact that the control group has a completely different pattern over time that makes the interaction come out significant.6 I’m going to explore that some more later, but first I want to get you to draw a spaghetti plot.


  1. Draw a spaghetti plot of these data. That is, use ggplot to plot the interaction percent against time for each subject, joining the points for the same subject by lines whose colour shows what treatment they were on. Use the “long” data frame for this (not the data frame of means).


This is almost easier to do than it is to ask you to do:

ggplot(geriatrics.long, aes(x = time, y = intpct, colour = treatment, group = subject)) +

The basic difficulty here is to get all the parts. We need both a colour and a group; the latter controls the joining of points by lines (if you have both). Fortunately we already had subject numbers in the original data; if we had not had them, we would have had to create them. dplyr has a function row_number that we could have used for that; we’d apply the row numbers to the original wide data frame, before we made it long, so that the correct subject numbers would get carried along.

Whether you add a geom_point() to plot the data points, or not, is up to you. Logically, it makes sense to include the actual data, but aesthetically, it looks more like spaghetti if you leave the points out. Either way is good, as far as I’m concerned.

I didn’t ask you to comment on the spaghetti plot, because the story is much the same as the interaction plot. There is a lot of variability, but the story within each group is basically what we already said: the red lines go sharply up and almost as sharply back down again, the blue lines do something similar, only not as sharply up and down, and the green lines do basically nothing.

Extra: now that we have the long data, we can also do a mixed model analysis:

geriatrics.3 <- lmer(intpct ~ time * treatment + (1|subject), data = geriatrics.long)
drop1(geriatrics.3, test = "Chisq")

This is about the same P-value for the interaction that we had from the Manova analysis. We needed to do drop1 because there are four time points and three treatments, so that the summary output is rather unwieldy:

Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: intpct ~ time * treatment + (1 | subject)
   Data: geriatrics.long

REML criterion at convergence: 292.8

Scaled residuals: 
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.03739 -0.46212 -0.00484  0.42273  2.33651 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 subject  (Intercept) 3.553    1.885   
 Residual             1.338    1.157   
Number of obs: 84, groups:  subject, 21

Fixed effects:
                     Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)            2.3571     0.8359   2.820
timet2                 6.1429     0.6183   9.935
timet3                 1.6857     0.6183   2.726
timet4                 1.0000     0.6183   1.617
treatmentctrl          0.2857     1.1821   0.242
treatmentro           -0.5000     1.1821  -0.423
timet2:treatmentctrl  -6.5571     0.8744  -7.499
timet3:treatmentctrl  -2.7000     0.8744  -3.088
timet4:treatmentctrl  -1.5000     0.8744  -1.715
timet2:treatmentro    -4.2000     0.8744  -4.803
timet3:treatmentro    -0.4286     0.8744  -0.490
timet4:treatmentro    -1.0000     0.8744  -1.144

Correlation of Fixed Effects:
             (Intr) timet2 timet3 timet4 trtmntc trtmntr tmt2:trtmntc
timet2       -0.370                                                  
timet3       -0.370  0.500                                           
timet4       -0.370  0.500  0.500                                    
tretmntctrl  -0.707  0.262  0.262  0.262                             
treatmentro  -0.707  0.262  0.262  0.262  0.500                      
tmt2:trtmntc  0.262 -0.707 -0.354 -0.354 -0.370  -0.185              
tmt3:trtmntc  0.262 -0.354 -0.707 -0.354 -0.370  -0.185   0.500      
tmt4:trtmntc  0.262 -0.354 -0.354 -0.707 -0.370  -0.185   0.500      
tmt2:trtmntr  0.262 -0.707 -0.354 -0.354 -0.185  -0.370   0.500      
tmt3:trtmntr  0.262 -0.354 -0.707 -0.354 -0.185  -0.370   0.250      
tmt4:trtmntr  0.262 -0.354 -0.354 -0.707 -0.185  -0.370   0.250      
             tmt3:trtmntc tmt4:trtmntc tmt2:trtmntr tmt3:trtmntr
tmt4:trtmntc  0.500                                             
tmt2:trtmntr  0.250        0.250                                
tmt3:trtmntr  0.500        0.250        0.500                   
tmt4:trtmntr  0.250        0.500        0.500        0.500      

In the table of fixed effects, timet1 and treatmentbt are baselines. In the interaction plot, the baseline treatment bt was the one that went sharply up at time t2, so that the timet2 estimate is very positive; also, the timet2:treatmentctrl and timet2:treatmentro estimates are very negative, to reflect that the time t2 measurements for these two treatments are very much lower than for the baseline treatment bt.

Extra extra: I said that the control subjects’ time pattern was noticeably different from the others. Which made me think: what if we remove the control subjects? Would there still be an interaction?7

All right, we need to start with the original wide data frame, and from that select everything but ctrl:

gg <- geriatrics %>% filter(treatment != "ctrl")

So now there are two treatments left, seven people on each:8

gg %>% count(treatment)

Then we do the same stuff over again: construct the response, run the lm, create the stuff for idata and idesign, and run the Manova. There’s really nothing new here:

response <- with(gg, cbind(t1, t2, t3, t4))
gg.1 <- lm(response ~ treatment, data = gg)
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
gg.2 <- Manova(gg.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)
Warning in summary.Anova.mlm(gg.2): HF eps > 1 treated as 1

Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
t1           1
t2           1
t3           1
t4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    2920.346

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.765026 39.06941      1     12 4.2509e-05 ***
Wilks             1  0.234974 39.06941      1     12 4.2509e-05 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  3.255785 39.06941      1     12 4.2509e-05 ***
Roy               1  3.255785 39.06941      1     12 4.2509e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: treatment 

 Response transformation matrix:
t1           1
t2           1
t3           1
t4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    203.6829

Multivariate Tests: treatment
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
Pillai            1 0.1850562 2.724941      1     12 0.1247
Wilks             1 0.8149438 2.724941      1     12 0.1247
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.2270784 2.724941      1     12 0.1247
Roy               1 0.2270784 2.724941      1     12 0.1247

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3
t1      1      0      0
t2      0      1      0
t3      0      0      1
t4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       times1    times2   times3
times1    3.5 -24.80000 -6.80000
times2  -24.8 175.72571 48.18286
times3   -6.8  48.18286 13.21143

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.817303 14.91185      3     10 0.00050726 ***
Wilks             1  0.182697 14.91185      3     10 0.00050726 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  4.473555 14.91185      3     10 0.00050726 ***
Roy               1  4.473555 14.91185      3     10 0.00050726 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: treatment:times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3
t1      1      0      0
t2      0      1      0
t3      0      0      1
t4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       times1 times2    times3
times1    3.5 -11.20  2.000000
times2  -11.2  35.84 -6.400000
times3    2.0  -6.40  1.142857

Multivariate Tests: treatment:times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            1 0.5816827 4.635099      3     10 0.027959 *
Wilks             1 0.4183173 4.635099      3     10 0.027959 *
Hotelling-Lawley  1 1.3905298 4.635099      3     10 0.027959 *
Roy               1 1.3905298 4.635099      3     10 0.027959 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

                Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)     730.09      1  224.243     12 39.0694 4.251e-05 ***
treatment        50.92      1  224.243     12  2.7249 0.1247005    
times           136.04      3   60.551     36 26.9595 2.560e-09 ***
treatment:times  38.16      3   60.551     36  7.5629 0.0004777 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

                Test statistic p-value
times                  0.66019 0.48791
treatment:times        0.66019 0.48791

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

                 GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times           0.82418  5.012e-08 ***
treatment:times 0.82418   0.001217 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times           1.0546 2.560037e-09
treatment:times 1.0546 4.777491e-04

The procedure, as before: Mauchly’s test is not significant, so you can look at the univariate test for interaction. For comparison, the P-values for interaction in the multivariate test (all the same) are quite a bit bigger but still significant.

There is still an interaction, but it’s not as significant as it was before. I think it is still significant because the shape of the two time trends is not the same: the red bt group goes up further and down further. I was musing that the higher values are also more variable, which would suggest a transformation, but I haven’t explored that.

If the interaction had turned out to be nonsignificant this way? You might think about trying to remove it from the model, except that in this kind of model, treatment is a “between-subjects factor” and times is a “within-subjects factor”, so they are different kinds of things. What you do in that case is to ignore the non-significant interaction and interpret the main effects: there is no way to “gain df for error” like we did in two-way ANOVA.

Supposing, in this case, that we were using \(\alpha=0.01\), we would say that the interaction is not significant. Then we look at the main effects: there is no effect of treatment, but there is an effect of time. Or, to put it another way, once you allow for an effect of time, there is no difference between the two remaining treatments.9

Thinking back to our spaghetti plot, we are now comparing the red and blue treatments. They both go up at time 2 and down afterwards, which is the time effect, but even once you allow for this time trend, there is too much scatter to be able to infer a difference between the traes(x = time, y = intpct, colour = treatment, group = subject)eatments.

Extra (maybe I could branch off into another question sometime?) I was thinking that this is not terribly clear, so I thought I would fake up some data where there is a treatment effect and a time effect (but no interaction), and draw a spaghetti plot, so you can see the difference, idealized somewhat of course. Let’s try to come up with something with the same kind of time effect, up at time 2 and then down afterwards, that is the same for two drugs A and B. Here’s what I came up with:

fake <- read.csv("fake.csv", header = T)

You can kind of get the idea that the pattern over time is up and then down, so that it finishes about where it starts, but the numbers for drug A are usually bigger than the ones for drug B, consistently over time. So there ought not to be an interaction, but there ought to be both a time effect and a drug effect.

Let’s see whether we can demonstrate that. First, a spaghetti plot, which involves getting the data in long format first. I’m saving the long format to use again later.

fake %>% 
  pivot_longer(t1:t4, names_to="times", values_to="score") -> fake.long
fake.long %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = times, y = score, colour = drug, group = subject)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()

The reds are consistently higher than the blues (drug effect), the pattern over time goes up and then down (time effect), but the time effect is basically the same for both drugs (no interaction).

I got the plot wrong the first time, because I forgot whether I was doing an interaction plot (where group= and colour= are the same) or a spaghetti plot (where group has to be subject and the colour represents the treatment, usually).

Let’s do the repeated-measures ANOVA and see whether my guess above is right:

response <- with(fake, cbind(t1, t2, t3, t4))
fake.1 <- lm(response ~ drug, data = fake)
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
fake.2 <- Manova(fake.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)

After typing this kind of stuff out a few too many times, I hope you’re getting the idea “function”. Also, the construction of the response is kind of annoying, where you have to list all the time columns. The trouble is, response has to be a matrix, which it is:

[1] "matrix" "array" 

but if you do the obvious thing of selecting the columns of the data frame that you want:

fake %>% select(t1:t4) -> r
[1] "data.frame"

you get a data frame instead. I think this would work:

r <- fake %>% select(t1:t4) %>% as.matrix()
[1] "matrix" "array" 

The idea is that you select the columns you want as a data frame first (with select), and then turn it into a matrix at the end.

This is the kind of thing you’d have to do in a function, I think, since you’d have to have some way of telling the function which are the “time” columns. Anyway, hope you haven’t forgotten what we were doing:10


Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
t1           1
t2           1
t3           1
t4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)     15920.1

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1   0.98478 517.7268      1      8 1.4752e-08 ***
Wilks             1   0.01522 517.7268      1      8 1.4752e-08 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  64.71585 517.7268      1      8 1.4752e-08 ***
Roy               1  64.71585 517.7268      1      8 1.4752e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: drug 

 Response transformation matrix:
t1           1
t2           1
t3           1
t4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)       532.9

Multivariate Tests: drug
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
Pillai            1   0.68417 17.33008      1      8 0.0031525 **
Wilks             1   0.31583 17.33008      1      8 0.0031525 **
Hotelling-Lawley  1   2.16626 17.33008      1      8 0.0031525 **
Roy               1   2.16626 17.33008      1      8 0.0031525 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3
t1      1      0      0
t2      0      1      0
t3      0      0      1
t4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       times1 times2 times3
times1    1.6   15.2    6.8
times2   15.2  144.4   64.6
times3    6.8   64.6   28.9

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1   0.98778 161.7086      3      6 3.9703e-06 ***
Wilks             1   0.01222 161.7086      3      6 3.9703e-06 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  80.85428 161.7086      3      6 3.9703e-06 ***
Roy               1  80.85428 161.7086      3      6 3.9703e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: drug:times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3
t1      1      0      0
t2      0      1      0
t3      0      0      1
t4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       times1 times2 times3
times1    0.4    0.8   -0.2
times2    0.8    1.6   -0.4
times3   -0.2   -0.4    0.1

Multivariate Tests: drug:times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            1 0.6490046  3.69808      3      6 0.081108 .
Wilks             1 0.3509954  3.69808      3      6 0.081108 .
Hotelling-Lawley  1 1.8490401  3.69808      3      6 0.081108 .
Roy               1 1.8490401  3.69808      3      6 0.081108 .
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

            Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df  F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 3980.0      1     61.5      8 517.7268 1.475e-08 ***
drug         133.2      1     61.5      8  17.3301  0.003152 ** 
times         87.9      3     14.9     24  47.1812 3.233e-10 ***
drug:times     1.5      3     14.9     24   0.7919  0.510323    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

           Test statistic p-value
times             0.18708 0.04852
drug:times        0.18708 0.04852

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

            GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times      0.54943  1.886e-06 ***
drug:times 0.54943     0.4505    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

              HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times      0.6735592 1.708486e-07
drug:times 0.6735592 4.709652e-01

The usual procedure: check for sphericity first. Here, that is just rejected, but since the P-value on the sphericity test is only just less than 0.05, you would expect the P-values on the univariate test for interaction and the Huynh-Feldt adjustment to be similar, and they are (0.510 and 0.471 respectively). Scrolling up a bit further, the multivariate test for interaction only just fails to be significant, with a P-value of 0.081. It is a mild concern that this one differs so much from the others; normally the multivariate test(s) would tell a similar story to the others.

The drug-by-time interaction is not significant, so we go ahead and interpret the main effects: there is a time effect (the increase at time 2 that I put in on purpose), and, allowing for the time effect, there is also a difference between the drugs (because the drug A scores are a bit higher than the drug B scores). The procedure is to look at the Huynh-Feldt adjusted P-value for time (\(1.71 \times 10^{-7}\)), expecting it to be a bit bigger than the one in the univariate table (it is) and comparable to the one for time in the appropriate multivariate analysis (\(3.97 \times 10^{-6}\); it is, but remember to scroll back enough). In this kind of analysis, the effect of drug is averaged over time,11 so the test for the drug main effect is unaffected by sphericity. Its P-value, 0.0032, is identical in the univariate and multivariate tables, and you see that the drug main effect is not part of the sphericity testing.

What if we ignored the time effect? You’d think we could do something like this, treating the measurements at different times as replicates:

fake.3 <- aov(score ~ drug, data = fake.long)
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value   Pr(>F)    
drug         1  133.2  133.22   30.54 2.54e-06 ***
Residuals   38  165.8    4.36                     
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

but this would be wrong, because we are acting as if we have 40 independent observations, which we don’t (this is the point of doing repeated measures in the first place). It looks as if we have achieved something by getting a lower P-value for drug, but we haven’t really, because we have done so by cheating.

What we could do instead is to average the scores for each subject over all the times,12 for which we go back to the original data frame:

fake %>%
  mutate(avg.score = (t1 + t2 + t3 + t4) / 4) %>%
  aov(avg.score ~ drug, data = .) %>%
            Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)   
drug         1  33.31   33.31   17.33 0.00315 **
Residuals    8  15.37    1.92                   
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Ah, now, this is very interesting. I was hoping that by throwing away the time information (which is useful), we would have diminished the significance of the drug effect. By failing to include the time-dependence in our model, we ought to have introduced some extra variability, which ought to weaken our test. But this test gives exactly the same P-value as the ones in the MANOVA, and it looks like exactly the same test (the \(F\)-value is the same too). So it looks as if this is what the MANOVA is doing, to assess the drug effect: it’s averaging over the times. Since the same four (here) time points are being used to compute the average for each subject, we are comparing like with like at least, and even if there is a large time effect, I suppose it’s going to have the same effect on each average. For example, if as here the scores at time 2 are typically highest, all the averages are going to be composed of one high score and three lower ones. So maybe I have to go back and dilute my conclusions about the significance of treatments earlier: it’s actually saying that there is a difference between the two remaining treatments averaged over time rather than allowing for time as I said earlier.


34.9 Children’s stress levels and airports

If you did STAC32, you might remember this question, which we can now do properly. Some of this question is a repeat from there.

The data in link are based on a 1998 study of stress levels in children as a result of the building of a new airport in Munich, Germany. A total of 200 children had their epinephrine levels (a stress indicator) measured at each of four different times: before the airport was built, and 6, 18 and 36 months after it was built. The four measurements are labelled epi_1 through epi_4. Out of the children, 100 were living near the new airport (location 1 in the data set), and could be expected to suffer stress because of the new airport. The other 100 children lived in the same city, but outside the noise impact zone. These children thus serve as a control group. The children are identified with numbers 1 through 200.

  1. If we were testing for the effect of time, explain briefly what it is about the structure of the data that would make an analysis of variance inappropriate.


It is the fact that each child was measured four times, rather than each measurement being on a different child (with thus \(4\times 200=800\) observations altogether). It’s the same distinction as between matched pairs and a two-sample \(t\) test.


  1. Read the data into R and demonstrate that you have the right number of observations and variables.


The usual, data values separated by one space:

my_url <- "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/airport.txt"
airport <- read_delim(my_url, " ")
Rows: 200 Columns: 6
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: " "
dbl (6): epi_1, epi_2, epi_3, epi_4, location, child

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

There are 200 rows (children), with four epi measurements, a location and a child identifier, so that looks good.

(I am mildly concerned about the negative epi measurements, but I don’t know what the scale is, so presumably they are all right. Possibly epinephrine is measured on a log scale, so that a negative value here is less than 1 on the original scale that we don’t see.)


  1. Create and save a “longer” data frame with all the epinephrine values collected together into one column.



airport %>% pivot_longer(starts_with("epi"), names_to="when", values_to="epinephrine") -> airport.long

Success. I’m saving the name time for later, so I’ve called the time points when for now. There were 4 measurements on each of 200 children, so the long data frame should (and does) have \(200\times 4 = 800\) rows.


  1. Make a “spaghetti plot” of these data: that is, a plot of epinephrine levels against time, with the locations identified by colour, and the points for the same child joined by lines. To do this: (i) from the long data frame, create a new column containing only the numeric values of time (1 through 4), (ii) plot epinephrine level against time with the points grouped by child and coloured by location (which you may have to turn from a number into a factor.)


Note the use of the different things for colour and group, as usual for a spaghetti plot. Also, note that the locations are identified by number, but the number is only a label, and we want to use different colours for the different locations, so we need to turn location into a factor for this.

airport.long %>%
  mutate(time = parse_number(when)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = epinephrine, colour = factor(location), group = child)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()

This13 is different from the plot we had in C32, where I had you use a different colour for each child, and we ended up with a huge legend of all the children (which we then removed).

If you forget to turn location into a factor, ggplot will assume that you want location to be on a continuous scale, and you’ll get two shades of blue.

Another problem with this plot is that there are so many children, you can’t see the ones underneath because the ones on top are overwriting them. The solution to that is to make the lines (partly) transparent, which is controlled by a parameter alpha:14

airport.long %>%
  mutate(time = parse_number(when)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = epinephrine, colour = factor(location), group = child)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line(alpha = 0.2)

It seems to make the lines skinnier, so they look more like threads. Even given the lesser thickness, they seem to be a little bit see-through as well. You can experiment with adding transparency to the points in addition.


  1. What do you see on your spaghetti plot? We are looking ahead to possible effects of time, location and their interaction.


This is not clear, so it’s very much your call. I see the red spaghetti strands as going up further (especially) and maybe down further than the blue ones. The epinephrine levels of the children near the new airport are definitely more spread out, and maybe have a higher mean, than those of the control group of children not near the airport. The red spaghetti strands show something of an increase over time, at least up to time 3, after which they seem to drop again. The blue strands, however, don’t show any kind of trend over time. Since the time trend is different for the two locations, I would expect to see a significant interaction.


  1. The spaghetti plot was hard to interpret because there are so many children. Calculate the mean epinephrine levels for each location-time combination, and make an interaction plot with time on the \(x\)-axis and location as the second factor.


We’ve done this before:

airport.long %>%
  mutate(time = parse_number(when)) %>%
  mutate(floc = factor(location)) %>%
  group_by(floc, time) %>%
  summarize(mean.epi = mean(epinephrine)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = mean.epi, group = floc, colour = floc)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'floc'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

I wanted the actual numerical times, so I made them again. Also, it seemed to be easier to create a factor version of the numeric location up front, and then use it several times later. I’m actually not sure that you need it here, since group_by works with the distinct values of a variable, whatever they are, and group in a boxplot may or may not insist on something other than a number. I should try it:

airport.long %>%
  mutate(time = parse_number(when)) %>%
  group_by(location, time) %>%
  summarize(mean.epi = mean(epinephrine)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = mean.epi, group = location, colour = location)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'location'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

It seems that colour requires a non-number:

airport.long %>%
  mutate(time = parse_number(when)) %>%
  group_by(location, time) %>%
  summarize(mean.epi = mean(epinephrine)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = mean.epi, group = location, colour = factor(location))) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'location'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

With a long pipeline like this, none of us get it right the first time (I certainly didn’t), so be prepared to debug it one line at a time. The way I like to do this is to take the pipe symbol and move it down to the next line (moving the cursor to just before it and hitting Enter). This ends the pipe at the end of this line and displays what it produces so far. When you are happy with that, go to the start of the next line (that currently has a pipe symbol by itself) and hit Backspace to move the pipe symbol back where it was. Then go to the end of the next line (where the next pipe symbol is), move that to a line by itself, and so on. Keep going until each line produces what you want, and when you are finished, the whole pipeline will do what you want.


  1. What do you conclude from your interaction plot? Is your conclusion clearer than from the spaghetti plot?


The two “traces” are not parallel, so I would expect to see an interaction between location and time. The big difference seems to be between times 1 and 2; the traces are the same at time 1, and more or less parallel after time 2. Between times 1 and 2, the mean epinephrine level of the children near the new airport increases sharply, whereas for the children in the control group it increases much less. This, to my mind, is very much easier to interpret than the spaghetti plot, even the second version with the thinner strands, because there is a lot of variability there that obscures the overall pattern. The interaction plot is plain as day, but it might be an oversimplification because it doesn’t show variability.


  1. Run a repeated-measures analysis of variance and display the results. Go back to your original data frame, the one you read in from the file, for this. You’ll need to make sure your numeric location gets treated as a factor.


The usual process. I’ll try the other way I used of making the response:

airport %>%
  select(epi_1:epi_4) %>%
  as.matrix() -> response
airport.1 <- lm(response ~ factor(location), data = airport)
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
airport.2 <- Manova(airport.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)

Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
epi_1           1
epi_2           1
epi_3           1
epi_4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)   268516272

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.920129     2281      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1  0.079871     2281      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 11.520204     2281      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1 11.520204     2281      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: factor(location) 

 Response transformation matrix:
epi_1           1
epi_2           1
epi_3           1
epi_4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)     3519790

Multivariate Tests: factor(location)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.1311980 29.90002      1    198 1.3611e-07 ***
Wilks             1 0.8688020 29.90002      1    198 1.3611e-07 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.1510102 29.90002      1    198 1.3611e-07 ***
Roy               1 0.1510102 29.90002      1    198 1.3611e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2 times3
epi_1      1      0      0
epi_2      0      1      0
epi_3      0      0      1
epi_4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
           times1     times2     times3
times1  497500.84 -113360.08 -56261.667
times2 -113360.08   25830.12  12819.731
times3  -56261.67   12819.73   6362.552

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.3274131 31.80405      3    196 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1 0.6725869 31.80405      3    196 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.4867966 31.80405      3    196 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1 0.4867966 31.80405      3    196 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: factor(location):times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2 times3
epi_1      1      0      0
epi_2      0      1      0
epi_3      0      0      1
epi_4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
          times1    times2      times3
times1 533081.68 206841.01 -14089.6126
times2 206841.01  80256.38  -5466.9104
times3 -14089.61  -5466.91    372.3954

Multivariate Tests: factor(location):times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.2373704 20.33516      3    196 1.6258e-11 ***
Wilks             1 0.7626296 20.33516      3    196 1.6258e-11 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.3112525 20.33516      3    196 1.6258e-11 ***
Roy               1 0.3112525 20.33516      3    196 1.6258e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

                         Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df  F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)            67129068      1  5827073    198 2281.000 < 2.2e-16 ***
factor(location)         879947      1  5827073    198   29.900 1.361e-07 ***
times                    475671      3  3341041    594   28.190 < 2.2e-16 ***
factor(location):times   366641      3  3341041    594   21.728 2.306e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

                       Test statistic  p-value
times                          0.9488 0.066194
factor(location):times         0.9488 0.066194

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

                        GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times                  0.96685  < 2.2e-16 ***
factor(location):times 0.96685   5.35e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                          HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times                  0.9827628 8.418534e-17
factor(location):times 0.9827628 3.571900e-13


  1. What do you conclude from the MANOVA? Is that consistent with your graphs? Explain briefly.


Start with Mauchly’s test near the bottom. This is not quite significant (for the interaction), so we are entitled to look at the univariate test for interaction, which is \(2.3 \times 10^{-13}\), extremely significant. If you want a comparison, look at the Huynh-Feldt adjustment for the interaction, which is almost exactly the same (\(3.57 \times 10^{-13}\)), or the multivariate tests for the interaction (almost the same again).

So, we start and end with the significant interaction: there is an effect of location, but the nature of that effect depends on time. This is the same as we saw in the interaction plot: from time 2 on, the mean epinephrine levels for the children near the new airport were clearly higher.

If you stare at the spaghetti plot, you might come to the same conclusion. Or you might not! I suppose those red dots at time 2 are mostly at the top, and generally so afterwards, whereas at time 1 they are all mixed up with the blue ones.

Interactions of this sort in this kind of analysis are very common. There is an “intervention” or “treatment”, and the time points are chosen so that the first one is before the treatment happens, and the other time points are after. Then, the results are very similar for the first time point, and very different after that, rather than being (say) always higher for the treatment group by about the same amount for all times (in which case there would be no interaction).

So, you have some choices in practice as to how you might go. You might do the MANOVA, get a significant interaction, and draw an interaction plot to see why. You might stop there, or you might do something like what we did in class: having seen that the first time point is different from the others for reasons that you can explain, do the analysis again, but omitting the first time point. For the MANOVA, that means tweaking your definition of your response to omit the first time point. The rest of it stays the same, though you might want to change your model numbers rather than re-using the old ones as I did:

airport %>%
  select(epi_2:epi_4) %>%
  as.matrix() -> response
airport.1 <- lm(response ~ factor(location), data = airport)
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
airport.2 <- Manova(airport.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)
Warning in summary.Anova.mlm(airport.2): HF eps > 1 treated as 1

Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
epi_2           1
epi_3           1
epi_4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)   165867956

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.918531 2232.383      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1  0.081469 2232.383      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 11.274662 2232.383      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1 11.274662 2232.383      1    198 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: factor(location) 

 Response transformation matrix:
epi_2           1
epi_3           1
epi_4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)     3567099

Multivariate Tests: factor(location)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.1951509 48.00886      1    198 5.8219e-11 ***
Wilks             1 0.8048491 48.00886      1    198 5.8219e-11 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.2424690 48.00886      1    198 5.8219e-11 ***
Roy               1 0.2424690 48.00886      1    198 5.8219e-11 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2
epi_2      1      0
epi_3      0      1
epi_4     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
         times1    times2
times1 25830.12 12819.731
times2 12819.73  6362.552

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)
Pillai            1 0.0123563 1.232325      2    197 0.29385
Wilks             1 0.9876437 1.232325      2    197 0.29385
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.0125109 1.232325      2    197 0.29385
Roy               1 0.0125109 1.232325      2    197 0.29385

Term: factor(location):times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2
epi_2      1      0
epi_3      0      1
epi_4     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
         times1     times2
times1 80256.38 -5466.9104
times2 -5466.91   372.3954

Multivariate Tests: factor(location):times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
Pillai            1 0.0508561 5.277736      2    197 0.0058507 **
Wilks             1 0.9491439 5.277736      2    197 0.0058507 **
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.0535811 5.277736      2    197 0.0058507 **
Roy               1 0.0535811 5.277736      2    197 0.0058507 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

                         Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df   F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)            55289319      1  4903856    198 2232.3830 < 2.2e-16 ***
factor(location)        1189033      1  4903856    198   48.0089 5.822e-11 ***
times                     12915      2  2281728    396    1.1207  0.327070    
factor(location):times    57397      2  2281728    396    4.9807  0.007306 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

                       Test statistic p-value
times                         0.99068 0.39746
factor(location):times        0.99068 0.39746

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

                        GG eps Pr(>F[GG])   
times                  0.99076   0.326702   
factor(location):times 0.99076   0.007483 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                         HF eps  Pr(>F[HF])
times                  1.000731 0.327069634
factor(location):times 1.000731 0.007305714

The interaction is still significant. The sphericity test is not significant, so you can use the 0.0073 in the univariate tests as your P-value (note that the Huynh-Feldt adjustment is actually not adjusted at all).

So there is still not a consistent effect of being near the new airport on epinephrine levels: that is to say, the effect of the new airport still varies over time. That might be because (looking at the interaction plot) for the children near the new airport, the mean epinephrine level went up again between times 2 and 3, whereas for the control children it (for some reason) went dramatically down over the same time period.

We have lots of data here (200 children), so the significant interaction effect also might not be very big.

Experimental designs like this are kind of awkward, because you expect there to be some kind of pattern over time for the treatment group, that will vary over time, whereas for the control group, you expect there to be no pattern over time. So a significant difference shows up as an interaction, which is messier to interpret than you would like.

Extra: the other way to analyze repeated measures data 15 is to treat them as “mixed models”, which requires a different kind of analysis using the lme4 package. I always forget how these go, and I have to look them up when I need them, but the idea is this: the treatments you observe, and the time points at which you observe them, are typically the only ones you care about (a so-called “fixed effect”), but the individuals (children, here) which you happen to observe are something like a random sample of all the children you might have observed (a so-called “random effect”). Models with random effects in them are called “mixed models” (or, I suppose, models with both fixed and random effects). This matters because you have repeated observations on the same child. Some people like to think of this in terms of “sources of variability”: the epinephrine levels vary because of the location and time at which they were observed, but also because of the particular child they happen to have been observed for: each child has a “random effect” that they carry with them through all the time points at which they are observed.

Let’s see if we can make it fly for this example. We need the data in “long” format, the way we arranged it for graphing: the data frame airport.long. I’d like to convert things to factors first:

airport.long %>% mutate(
  fchild = factor(child),
  flocation = factor(location)
) -> fairport

airport.3 <- lmer(epinephrine ~ flocation * when + (1 | fchild), data = fairport)
drop1(airport.3, test = "Chisq")

The anova doesn’t actually give us any tests, but what you see in the ANOVA table are the fixed effects. These are testable. The easiest way to see what you can get rid of is drop1; the chi-squared test appears to be the right one (more on that below). This says that the interaction is strongly significant, and we should not consider removing it, the same conclusion as our “profile analysis” before. The other choice for testing is to fit a model without what you are testing and use anova to compare the two models:

airport.4 <- update(airport.3, . ~ . - flocation:when)
anova(airport.4, airport.3)
refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)

There are technical considerations involved in comparing the fit of two models (which is the reason for the “refitting models with…”): there is one method for estimating and a different method for testing. The test is based on “likelihood ratio”, which means that the right test for the drop1 above is Chisq.

If you omit the test in drop1, it just gives you AIC values, which you can use for an informal assessment. In this case, <none> has a much smaller AIC than the interaction (smaller by over 50), so there’s no way we should entertain taking out the interaction. However, if it had not been significant, we would just take it out by fitting a model like airport4: there is no distinction here between “within-subject” and “between-subject” factors that prevented us from taking the interaction out in profile analysis.

As ever when an interaction is significant, we might think about simple effects: that is, look at the two locations separately. That makes sense here because of the kind of experimental design it is: we expect a different kind of relationship with time for the “treatment” children (the ones living near the new airport) as compared to the control children, the ones who live farther away. That approach would work with either the profile-analysis way using Manova or the mixed-modelling way using lmer. In either case, we’d expect to see a time effect at location 1 but not at location 2. (Having separated out locations, only the time effect would be left for testing.) I guess I have to show you that, but I have to get ready for class first.


The nice thing about Wednesday evenings is that I am so tired from class that I have energy for almost nothing except playing with these things. So let’s have a crack at it.

Let’s start with location 1, at which we expect there to be something happening. This is really a simple effect of time at location 1, but in repeated measures guise. The awkwardness is that the profile analysis needs the wide-format data, while the mixed-model analysis needs long format, so we’ll have to repeat our process, once for each format of data set:

loc1 <- airport %>% filter(location == 1)
response <- loc1 %>% select(epi_1:epi_4) %>% as.matrix()
loc1.1 <- lm(response ~ 1, data = loc1)
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
loc1.2 <- Manova(loc1.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)
Note: model has only an intercept; equivalent type-III tests substituted.
Warning in summary.Anova.mlm(loc1.2): HF eps > 1 treated as 1

Type III Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
epi_1           1
epi_2           1
epi_3           1
epi_4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)   166760848

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.897288 864.8584      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1  0.102712 864.8584      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  8.735944 864.8584      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1  8.735944 864.8584      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2 times3
epi_1      1      0      0
epi_2      0      1      0
epi_3      0      0      1
epi_4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
           times1    times2     times3
times1 1030275.32 87978.051 -71100.691
times2   87978.05  7512.688  -6071.484
times3  -71100.69 -6071.484   4906.755

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.4542272 26.90988      3     97 9.4963e-13 ***
Wilks             1 0.5457728 26.90988      3     97 9.4963e-13 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.8322643 26.90988      3     97 9.4963e-13 ***
Roy               1 0.8322643 26.90988      3     97 9.4963e-13 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

              Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 41690212      1  4772262     99 864.858 < 2.2e-16 ***
times         776618      3  2774062    297  27.716 7.869e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

      Test statistic p-value
times        0.95865 0.53129

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

       GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times 0.97423  1.748e-15 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

        HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times 1.007064 7.869406e-16

This is one of those times where a pipe doesn’t quite do it. We need to grab the data for location 1, but then we need to do two things with it: one, create a response variable, and two, feed the response variable and the location 1 data into lm. Pipes are for linear sequences of things to do, and this one diverges. So, save what you need to save, and then do it without a pipe.

This is one of those explanatory-variable-less repeated measures where you only have things varying over time. Here, the treatment was location, and we’re only looking at one of those locations. We still have a within-subject design (the four times), but there is no between-subject design left.

The conclusion is that there is very strong evidence of a time effect for location 1, as we would have guessed.

Now, let’s see whether the mixed-model analysis comes to the same conclusion. This time, we have to start from the long data set (the one I’m using is the one called fairport with things as factors) and pull out the rows for location 1. The only remaining fixed effect is time:

fairport %>%
  filter(location == 1) %>%
  lmer(epinephrine ~ when + (1 | fchild), data = .) %>%
  drop1(test = "Chisq")

The effect of time is, once again, substantial. The P-value is not the same, because the test is not the same, but it is very similar and points to exactly the same conclusion.

I should perhaps point out that you don’t have to do these models in a pipe. I just did because it was easier for me. But there’s nothing wrong with doing it like this:

tmp <- fairport %>% filter(location == 1)
tmp.1 <- lmer(epinephrine ~ when + (1 | child), data = tmp)
drop1(tmp.1, test = "Chisq")

and it gives exactly the same result.

This last model (in either of its versions) is a so-called random intercepts model. What it says is that epinephrine level for a child depends on time, but the effect of being one child rather than another is to shunt the mean epinephrine level up or down by a fixed amount for all times. It seems to me that this is a very reasonable way to model the child-to-child variation in this case, but in other cases, things might be different. lmer allows more sophisticated things, like for example the random child effect depending linearly on time. To do that, you’d rewrite the above like this:

fairport %>%
  filter(location == 1) %>%
  lmer(epinephrine ~ when + (1 + when | fchild), data = .) %>%
  drop1(test = "Chisq")

The change is on the lmer line: the bit in brackets has a linear model in when for each child. I didn’t run that, so I’m not certain it works,16 but that’s the idea.

All right, let’s get on to location 2. This was the control location, so we expect to see no dependence of epinephrine level on time, either in the profile analysis or in the mixed-model analysis. There is a large amount of copying and pasting coming up:

airport %>% filter(location == 2) -> loc2
loc2 %>% select(epi_1:epi_4) %>% as.matrix() -> response
loc2.1 <- lm(response ~ 1, data = loc1)
times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))
loc2.2 <- Manova(loc2.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)
Note: model has only an intercept; equivalent type-III tests substituted.

Type III Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
epi_1           1
epi_2           1
epi_3           1
epi_4           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)   105275213

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.961466 2470.169      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Wilks             1  0.038534 2470.169      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 24.951203 2470.169      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Roy               1 24.951203 2470.169      1     99 < 2.22e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
      times1 times2 times3
epi_1      1      0      0
epi_2      0      1      0
epi_3      0      0      1
epi_4     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
          times1    times2     times3
times1  307.1984  5502.882   749.4117
times2 5502.8823 98573.811 13424.3048
times3  749.4117 13424.305  1828.1931

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1 0.3023560 14.01313      3     97 1.1613e-07 ***
Wilks             1 0.6976440 14.01313      3     97 1.1613e-07 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.4333957 14.01313      3     97 1.1613e-07 ***
Roy               1 0.4333957 14.01313      3     97 1.1613e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

              Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df  F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 26318803      1  1054811     99 2470.169 < 2.2e-16 ***
times          65694      3   566979    297   11.471 3.884e-07 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

      Test statistic    p-value
times        0.77081 0.00011477

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

       GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times 0.84304  2.433e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

         HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times 0.8669702 1.838348e-06

I think I changed everything I needed to.

There actually is still an effect of time. This is true even though sphericity fails and so the Huynh-Feldt adjustment to the P-value is fairly substantial; even so, it is still clearly significant.

What kind of effect? We can look at that by finding epinephrine means at each time. That would be easier if we had long format, but I think we can still do it. The magic word is across:

airport %>%
  filter(location == 2) %>%
  summarize(across(starts_with("epi"), \(epi) mean(epi)))

(in words, “for each column that starts with epi, find the mean of it.”)

The message here is that the mean epinephrine levels at time 2 were higher than the others, so that’s what seems to be driving the time effect. And remember, these were the control children, so they had no new airport nearby.

I want to try this:

airport %>% nest_by(location)

This is like the idea in the Spilich problem: I want to write a function that calculates the means of the epi_1 through epi_4 columns of a data frame like airport, and then apply it to each of those “nested” data frames.

epi.means <- function(x) {
  x %>% summarize(across(starts_with("epi"), \(epi) mean(epi)))


OK, and then:

airport %>%
  nest_by(location) %>%
  rowwise() %>% 
  mutate(means = list(epi.means(data))) %>%

Ooh, nice. There are the means for the four time points at both of the two locations. At location 1, epinephrine starts out low, jumps high after the airport is built, and stays there, while at location 2, the mean is mysteriously higher at time 2 and then epinephrine levels go back down again.

Enough of that. Back to the mixed model analysis, with more copying and pasting. Here is the “simple time effect” at location 2:

fairport %>%
  filter(location == 2) %>%
  lmer(epinephrine ~ when + (1 | fchild), data = .) %>%
  drop1(test = "Chisq")

This also finds a time effect at location 2, with a very similar P-value.

So which method is preferred? They are, I think, two different ways of approaching the same problem, and so there is no good reason to prefer one way over the other. The profile-analysis way is easier to follow if you are coming from a MANOVA direction: set it up the same way as you would a MANOVA, with your repeated measures as your multivariate response, and distinguish between the within-subject design (times, for us) and the between-subject design (treatments, stuff like that). As for mixed models: when you get your head around that crazy way of specifying the random effects, which are typically “subjects” in this kind of analysis, the actual model statement is brief: response depends on fixed effects plus random effects with the brackets and vertical bar. I always find the lmer models look very simple once you have figured them out (like ggplot in that regard). I also like the fact that lmer uses “tidy data”, so that you can make graphs and do this flavour of analysis with the same data frame. Having gotten my head around getting my data tidy, it seems odd to me that profile analysis requires the data to be untidy, although it does so for a good reason: if you were genuinely doing a MANOVA, you would want your multiple response variables each in their own column. Doing repeated measures this way is thinking of your responses at different times like different variables.

The approach I’ve taken in this course is for historical reasons. That is to say, my history, not because the historical perspective is necessarily the best one. It began with doing repeated measures in SAS (this was many years ago; I don’t teach SAS any more), and the only way I could get my head around that was the profile-analysis way. I’m not even sure there was software for doing mixed models in those days, certainly not in SAS. Besides, random effects scared me back then. Anyway, when I moved things over to R, I realized I was using basically the same idea in R: make it into a MANOVA and tweak things as needed. So I developed things by showing you MANOVA first as ANOVA when you have lots of \(y\)-variables instead of just one, and then using it for repeated measures by thinking of the repeated measures as “different-but-related” \(y\)-variables. To my mind, this is a reasonable way of doing it in a course like this: you get to see MANOVA, which is worth knowing about anyway, and then you get to apply it to a very common situation.

Mixed models are actually quite recent, as a way of doing this kind of modelling. Back when I was learning this stuff, you learned to distinguish between “fixed effects”, whose levels were the only ones you cared about (like the two locations here), and “random effects”, where the ones you observed were only a sample of the ones you might have seen (like “children” or in general “subjects”). Then you would test the fixed effects by hypothesizing that their mean effect was zero and seeing whether you could reject that (in the same way that you do in regression or regular ANOVA: in the latter case, you test that the effects of all the different groups are zero, which comes down to saying that all the groups have the same mean). The way you handled random effects was to estimate their variance, and then you would test whether a random effect exists or not by testing whether the variance of that random effect is zero (does not exist) or is greater than zero. Zero is the smallest a variance (or SD) can be, which means that testing for it has always been kind of flakey and the standard theory doesn’t work for it (the technical term is “on the boundary of the parameter space”, and the theory applies when the null-hypothesis value is strictly inside the set of possible values the parameter can take).

Back when we did this stuff by hand,17 we had to figure out whether we were testing a fixed or a random effect, and there were rules, involving things called “expected mean squares”, that told you how to get the tests right. Anyway, that is all considered rather old-fashioned now, and mixed models are where it is at. In these, you typically only test the fixed effects, while estimating the size of the random effects, taking it for granted that they exist. This is an active area of research; the things that lmer fits are called “linear mixed models”, and there are also now “generalized linear mixed models”, things like logistic regression with random effects.

We haven’t had to worry about this up to now because in most of the experimental designs we have used, each subject only contributes one measurement. In that case, you cannot separate out a subject-specific “random effect” from random error, and so we lump it all into random error. The one experimental design where a subject gives us more than one measurement is matched pairs, and the way we have handled that so far is to turn the two measurements into one by taking the difference between them; even in that case, each subject contributes only one difference to the analysis. Repeated measures, though, is genuinely different: you can’t wish away multiple measurements on the same subject by taking differences any more, so you have to face up to the issue at last. Either we think of it as several different measurements that might be correlated (the profile-analysis MANOVA way), or we face up to the idea that different subjects bring their own random effect to the table that shows up in every measurement that the subject provides (mixed models).

I did analysis of covariance as a separate mini-section, thinking of it as a regression, but if the numerical covariate is the same thing as the response but measured at a different time (eg., before rather than after), that would also respond to a repeated-measures approach, or to the taking of differences as matched pairs does. There is almost always more than one way to look at these things.


34.10 Body fat as repeated measures

This one is also stolen from STAC32. Athletes are concerned with measuring their body fat percentage. Two different methods are available: one using ultrasound, and the other using X-ray technology. We are interested in whether there is a difference in the mean body fat percentage as measured by these two methods, and if so, how big that difference is. Data on 16 athletes are at link.

  1. Read in the data and check that you have a sensible number of rows and columns.


This kind of thing:

my_url <- "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/bodyfat.txt"
bodyfat <- read_delim(my_url, " ")
Rows: 16 Columns: 3
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: " "
dbl (3): athlete, xray, ultrasound

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

16 rows (athletes) and 3 columns, one for each measurement method and one labelling the athletes. All good.


  1. Carry out a suitable (matched-pairs) \(t\)-test to determine whether the means are the same or different.


Feed the two columns into t.test along with paired=T. Remember that this is (in effect) a one-sample \(t\)-test, so that you can’t use a data=. You therefore have to wrap everything in a with:

with(bodyfat, t.test(xray, ultrasound, paired = TRUE))

    Paired t-test

data:  xray and ultrasound
t = -0.30801, df = 15, p-value = 0.7623
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 -0.7425068  0.5550068
sample estimates:
mean difference 

The test we want is two-sided, so we didn’t have to take any special steps to get that.


  1. What do you conclude from the test?


The P-value of 0.7623 is not at all small, so there is no way we can reject the null hypothesis.18 There is no evidence of a difference in means; we can act as if the two methods produce the same mean body fat percentage. That is to say, on this evidence we can use either method, whichever one is cheaper or more convenient.


  1. Run a repeated-measures analysis of variance, treating the two methods of measuring body fat as the repeated measures (ie., playing the role of “time” that you have seen in most of the other repeated measures analyses). There is no “treatment” here, so there is nothing to go on the right side of the squiggle. Insert a 1 there to mean “just an intercept”. Display the results.


Construct the response variable, run lm, construct the within-subjects part of the design, run Manova:

bodyfat %>%
  select(xray:ultrasound) %>%
  as.matrix() -> response
bodyfat.1 <- lm(response ~ 1)
methods <- colnames(response)
methods.df <- data.frame(methods=factor(methods))
bodyfat.2 <- Manova(bodyfat.1, idata = methods.df, idesign = ~methods)
Note: model has only an intercept; equivalent type-III tests substituted.

Type III Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
xray                 1
ultrasound           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)        9025

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.797341 59.01586      1     15 1.4135e-06 ***
Wilks             1  0.202659 59.01586      1     15 1.4135e-06 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  3.934390 59.01586      1     15 1.4135e-06 ***
Roy               1  3.934390 59.01586      1     15 1.4135e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: methods 

 Response transformation matrix:
xray             -1
ultrasound        1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
methods1 0.140625

Multivariate Tests: methods
                 Df test stat   approx F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)
Pillai            1 0.0062849 0.09486999      1     15 0.76231
Wilks             1 0.9937151 0.09486999      1     15 0.76231
Hotelling-Lawley  1 0.0063247 0.09486999      1     15 0.76231
Roy               1 0.0063247 0.09486999      1     15 0.76231

Univariate Type III Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

            Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 4512.5      1  1146.94     15 59.0159 1.413e-06 ***
methods        0.1      1    11.12     15  0.0949    0.7623    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

This is an unusual one in that the repeated measures variable is not time but method, and there is no actual treatment. The consequence (with there being only two methods) is that sphericity is automatically good, and the univariate test for methods (at the bottom) has exactly the same P-value as all the multivariate tests, so that the conclusion is the same either way. (Also, see below about the matched pairs.)


  1. Compare your repeated-measures analysis to your matched-pairs one. Do you draw the same conclusions?


The P-value for methods, which is testing the same thing as the matched pairs, is 0.7623, which is actually identical to the matched pairs \(t\)-test, and so the conclusion is identical also. That is, there is no difference between the two methods for measuring body fat. This goes to show that repeated measures gives the same answer as a matched-pairs \(t\)-test in the situation where they both apply. But repeated measures is, as we have seen, a lot more general.

Since this really is repeated measures, we ought to be able to use a mixed model here too. We need “long” or “tidy” format, which we don’t have yet. One pipe to save them all, to paraphrase Lord of the Rings19 — put all the fat measurements in one column with a label saying which method they were obtained with; create a column which is the athlete number as a factor; fit the linear mixed model; see what we can drop from it:

bodyfat %>%
  pivot_longer(-athlete, names_to="method", values_to="fat") %>%
  mutate(fathlete = factor(athlete)) %>%
  lmer(fat ~ method + (1 | fathlete), data = .) %>%
  drop1(test = "Chisq")

Once again, there is no difference between methods, and though the P-value is different from the matched pairs or profile analysis, it is very close to those.

If you’re not clear about the tidy data frame used for input to lmer, pull the top two lines off the pipeline and see what they produce:

bodyfat %>%
  pivot_longer(-athlete, names_to="method", values_to="fat") %>%
  mutate(fathlete = factor(athlete))

Each athlete now appears twice: once with their fat measured by xray, and again with it measured by ultrasound. The column fathlete is a factor.

The mixed model took me two goes to get right: I forgot that I needed the data=. in lmer, because it works like lm with the model formula first, not the input data. If the pipeline is going too fast for you, create the tidy data frame and save it, then use the saved data frame as input to lmer.


34.11 Investigating motor activity in rats

A researcher named King was investigating the effect of the drug midazolam on motor activity in rats. Typically, the first time the drug is injected, a rat’s motor activity decreases substantially, but rats typically develop a “tolerance”, so that further injections of the drug have less impact on the rat’s motor activity.

The data shown in link were all taken in one day, called the “experiment day” below. 24 different rats were used. Each rat, on the experiment day, was injected with a fixed amount of midazolam, and at each of six five-minute intervals after being injected, the rat’s motor activity was measured (these are labelled i1 through i6 in the data). The rats differed in how they had been treated before the experiment day. The control group of rats had previously been injected repeatedly with a saline solution (no active ingredient), so the experiment day was the first time this group of rats had received midazolam. The other two groups of rats had both received midazolam repeatedly before the experiment day: the “same” group was injected on experiment day in the same environment that the previous injections had taken place (this is known in psychology as a “conditioned tolerance”), but the “different” group had the previous injections in a different environment than on experiment day.

The column id identifies the rat from which each sequence of values was obtained.

  1. Explain briefly why we need to use a repeated measures analysis for these data.


Each rat is measured at six different times (i1 through i6): that is to say, each row of the data set consists of repeated measurements on the same rat. (If each row had used six different rats to obtain the six measurements, we would have been back in familiar territory and could have used a regular analysis of variance.)


  1. Read in the data and note that you have what was promised in the question.


The usual:

my_url <- "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/king.csv"
king <- read_csv(my_url)
Rows: 24 Columns: 8
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): context
dbl (7): id, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

There are 24 rats (rows). The columns label the rat (id) and the times at which motor activity was measured (i1 through i6). The remaining column, context, describes how the rats were treated before experiment day, with the levels being the same ones given in the question.


  1. We are going to do a repeated-measures analysis using the “profile” method shown in class. Create a suitable response variable for this method.


cbind the appropriate columns together, to make a matrix:

response <- with(king, cbind(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6))

This is the “simple” but tedious way, and produces a matrix because the i1 through i6 are vectors (single columns):

[1] "matrix" "array" 

i1:i6 does not work here, because we are outside of the tidyverse, and in that world, : only means “through” (as in “this through that”) when the things on either side of it are or represent numbers.

The clever way to get the response is to select the columns and then turn them into a matrix. This does permit the colon because we are now in the tidyverse:

response <- king %>%
  select(i1:i6) %>%
[1] "matrix" "array" 

It is indeed a matrix.

I tried to be extra-clever and use starts_with, but I have another column id that starts with i that I do not want to be part of the response. So I had to abandon that idea, but not before trying this:

response <- king %>%
  select(matches("i[0-9]")) %>%
      i1  i2  i3  i4  i5  i6
[1,] 150  44  71  59 132  74
[2,] 335 270 156 160 118 230
[3,] 149  52  91 115  43 154
[4,] 159  31 127 212  71 224
[5,] 292 125 184 246 225 170
[6,] 297 187  66  96 209  74

head displays the first six lines (of anything). We don’t normally need it because we are typically dealing with tibble-like data frames that display only ten rows of themselves by default. But this worked. The matches part takes a so-called “regular expression” which is a very flexible way of matching anything: in this case, a column whose name starts with i followed by exactly one digit (something between 0 and 9 inclusive).


  1. Set up the “within-subjects” part of the analysis. That means getting hold of the names of the columns that hold the different times, saving them, and also making a data frame out of them:


times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))


  1. Fit the repeated-measures ANOVA. This will involve fitting an lm first, if you have not already done so.


Fit the lm first, and then pass that into Manova from car:

king.1 <- lm(response ~ context, data = king)
king.2 <- Manova(king.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)

Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
i1           1
i2           1
i3           1
i4           1
i5           1
i6           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    24399650

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.913261 221.1069      1     21 1.273e-12 ***
Wilks             1  0.086739 221.1069      1     21 1.273e-12 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1 10.528902 221.1069      1     21 1.273e-12 ***
Roy               1 10.528902 221.1069      1     21 1.273e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: context 

 Response transformation matrix:
i1           1
i2           1
i3           1
i4           1
i5           1
i6           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)     1611524

Multivariate Tests: context
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
Pillai            2 0.4101695 7.301725      2     21 0.0039141 **
Wilks             2 0.5898305 7.301725      2     21 0.0039141 **
Hotelling-Lawley  2 0.6954024 7.301725      2     21 0.0039141 **
Roy               2 0.6954024 7.301725      2     21 0.0039141 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3 times4 times5
i1      1      0      0      0      0
i2      0      1      0      0      0
i3      0      0      1      0      0
i4      0      0      0      1      0
i5      0      0      0      0      1
i6     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
            times1      times2       times3      times4      times5
times1 463982.0417 18075.41667 -17241.16667 -47691.2917  973.291667
times2  18075.4167   704.16667   -671.66667  -1857.9167   37.916667
times3 -17241.1667  -671.66667    640.66667   1772.1667  -36.166667
times4 -47691.2917 -1857.91667   1772.16667   4902.0417 -100.041667
times5    973.2917    37.91667    -36.16667   -100.0417    2.041667

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1  0.856997 20.37569      5     17 1.2326e-06 ***
Wilks             1  0.143003 20.37569      5     17 1.2326e-06 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  5.992849 20.37569      5     17 1.2326e-06 ***
Roy               1  5.992849 20.37569      5     17 1.2326e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: context:times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2 times3 times4 times5
i1      1      0      0      0      0
i2      0      1      0      0      0
i3      0      0      1      0      0
i4      0      0      0      1      0
i5      0      0      0      0      1
i6     -1     -1     -1     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
          times1    times2    times3    times4    times5
times1 40376.583 44326.333 28404.667 -6315.458  9666.458
times2 44326.333 93153.083 56412.417  3080.292 24377.208
times3 28404.667 56412.417 34289.083  1235.458 14606.042
times4 -6315.458  3080.292  1235.458  3241.583  1586.167
times5  9666.458 24377.208 14606.042  1586.167  6573.083

Multivariate Tests: context:times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
Pillai            2 0.8033948 2.417022     10     36 0.0256284 * 
Wilks             2 0.3347058 2.476886     10     34 0.0237616 * 
Hotelling-Lawley  2 1.5750953 2.520152     10     32 0.0230293 * 
Roy               2 1.2432100 4.475556      5     18 0.0079604 **
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

               Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df  F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept)   4066608      1   386233     21 221.1069 1.273e-12 ***
context        268587      2   386233     21   7.3017 0.0039141 ** 
times          407439      5   273592    105  31.2736 < 2.2e-16 ***
context:times   88901     10   273592    105   3.4119 0.0006746 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

              Test statistic  p-value
times                0.24793 0.022324
context:times        0.24793 0.022324

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

               GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times         0.70016  3.152e-14 ***
context:times 0.70016   0.003269 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

                 HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times         0.8573896 6.269000e-17
context:times 0.8573896 1.422381e-03


  1. What do you conclude from your repeated-measures ANOVA? Explain briefly, in the context of the data.


The interaction term is significant, with a P-value less than 0.05. This is where we start and stop looking.

To be precise, the sphericity test fails (P-value 0.022), so that the P-value in the univariate test for interaction is too small, and we should trust the Huynh-Feldt one of 0.0014 below it. This is still significant, but not as significant as you might have thought. For comparison, the multivariate test P-values vary between 0.008 and 0.026, a bit bigger but still significant.

This means that the effect of time on motor activity (that is, the way the motor activity depends on time) is different for each context. That’s all we can say now. Grading note: as long as the setup and MANOVA are done somewhere, I don’t mind which part they are labelled with. But you need to do the setup, initial lm and Manova somewhere so that everything comes out right in the end.


  1. To understand the results of the previous part, we are going to make a spaghetti plot. In preparation for that, we need to save the data in “long format” with one observation on one time point in each row. Arrange that, and show by displaying (some of) the data that you have done so.


This is pivot_longer yet again: gather up columns i1 through i6 and call them something like activity:

king %>% 
  pivot_longer(i1:i6, names_to="time", values_to="activity") -> king.long

Displaying the top 10 rows of the resulting data frame is a good way to display “some of” it. You can always look at more if you like. There are more rows and fewer columns than there were before, which is encouraging. pivot_longer collects up all the time and activity values for the first rat, then the second, and so on.


  1. Make a spaghetti plot: that is, plot motor activity against the time points, joining the points for each rat by lines, and colouring the points and lines according to the context.


That means this, using group to indicate which points to join by lines, since it’s different from the colour:

ggplot(king.long, aes(x = time, y = activity, colour = context, group = id)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()

I’d say the geom_point is optional, so that this is also good, perhaps better even:

ggplot(king.long, aes(x = time, y = activity, colour = context, group = id)) +


  1. Looking at your spaghetti plot, why do you think your repeated-measures ANOVA came out as it did? Explain briefly.


What you’re after is an explanation of how the patterns over time are different for the three contexts. If you can find something that says that, I’m good. For example, even though all of the rats experienced a decrease in motor activity between times 1 and 2, the rats in the same group didn’t decrease as much. Or, the rats in the same group continued to decrease beyond time 2, whereas the rats in the control and different groups tended to level off after time 2, not decreasing so much after that. If you like, you can draw an interaction plot by working out the means for each context-time group first:

king.long %>%
  group_by(context, time) %>%
  summarize(m = mean(activity)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = time, y = m, colour = context, group = context)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'context'. You can override using the
`.groups` argument.

This seems to illustrate the same things as I found on the spaghetti plot. It gains in clarity by only looking at means, but loses by not considering the variability. Your call.

This kind of thing also runs with lmer from package lme4. It uses the long data frame, thus, treating id (identifying the rats) as a random effect:

king.3 <- lmer(activity ~ context * time + (1 | id), data = king.long)

What can we drop? The only thing under consideration is the interaction:

drop1(king.3, test = "Chisq")

and we get the same conclusion as before, but with a much smaller P-value.

With this kind of modelling, there is no distinction between “within” and “between”, so that even though time is a within-subjects factor and context is between subjects, if the interaction had not been significant, we could have dropped it from the model, and then we would have had an effect of time and an effect of context, independent of each other. I was actually looking for an example with a non-significant interaction, but I couldn’t find one.


34.12 Repeated measures with no background

Nine people are randomly chosen to receive one of three treatments, labelled A, B and C. Each person has their response y to the treatment measured at three times, labelled T1, T2 and T3. The main aim of the study is to properly assess the effects of the treatments. A higher value of y is better.

The data are in link.

  1. There are \(9 \times 3=27\) observations of y in this study. Why would it be wrong to treat these as 27 independent observations? Explain briefly.


There are only 9 people with 3 observations on each person. The three observations on the same person are likely to be correlated with each other, and so treating them as independent would be a mistake. This is repeated-measures data. If you say that, that’s useful, but you also need to demonstrate that you know what repeated measures means and why it needs to be handled differently from one-observation-per-individual data. Another way to look at it is that individuals will differ from each other, and so there ought to be an “individual” effect included in the model, in the same way that you would include a block effect in a randomized block design: not because you care about differences among individuals, but because you are pretty sure they’ll be there and you want to account for them.


  1. Read in the data values. Are they tidy or untidy? Explain briefly. (The data values are separated by tabs, like the Australian athlete data.)


We therefore need read_tsv. I’m not quite sure what to call this one:

my_url <- "http://ritsokiguess.site/datafiles/rm.txt"
treatments <- read_tsv(my_url)
Rows: 27 Columns: 4
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: "\t"
chr (2): trt, time
dbl (2): subject, y

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Find a way to display what you have, so you can decide whether it is tidy or not. Each observation of y is in a row by itself, so this is tidy, or long format. You might even call this extra-tidy, because each person is spread over three rows, one for each time point. Looking ahead, this is ideal for making a graph, or for doing the advanced version of the analysis with lme4, but it is not so good for our MANOVA way of doing a repeated measures analysis. That we will have to prepare for.


  1. Make a spaghetti plot: that is, a plot of y against time, with the observations for the same individual joined by lines which are coloured according to the treatment that individual received.


The individuals are labelled in subject and the treatments are in trt, which means we need to do this:

ggplot(treatments, aes(x = time, y = y, colour = trt, group = subject)) +
  geom_point() + geom_line()

I’m going to be all smug and tell you that I got this right first time. (I’m telling you this because it doesn’t happen often.) If it didn’t come out that way for you, no stress: figure out what went wrong, fix it, and no one is any the wiser. On a spaghetti plot, you want to join together the points that belong to the same subject, and you want to colour them by treatment, so colour needs to be trt and group needs to be subject, since otherwise all the observations on the same treatment will get connected by lines, which is not what you want. You can use group in other contexts too, but for us we would normally distinguish groups by colour, and here we have two grouping variables (subject and treatment), which we want to distinguish in different ways.


  1. On your spaghetti plot, how do the values of y for the treatments compare over time?


The most obvious thing is that the values of y all go up over time, regardless of which treatment they were from. At the initial time T1, the treatments are all about the same, but at the second and third time points, y is bigger for treatment C than for the other two treatments (which are about the same as each other). If you like, say that the gap between treatment C and the others is increasing over time, or that the lines for treatment C are steeper than for the other treatments. Any of those ways of saying it comes to the same conclusion. Extra: if you look at the lines of the same colour (treatment), they don’t seem to cross over very much. That suggests that an individual who starts with a larger value of y (relatively, compared to the other individuals on the same treatment) tends to stay larger than the other individuals on the same treatment all the way through. This would be another thing you’d see if the measurements for the individuals are correlated, or if there is an “individual effect” to go along with a treatment effect (and a time effect). If you think of this like an individual-level version of an interaction plot (which would be obtained by plotting the means for each treatment at each time), there is a suggestion here of an interaction between treatment and time, as well as a treatment effect (the latter because treatment C appears better than the rest).


  1. Explain briefly how the data are in the wrong format for a repeated-measures ANOVA (done using MANOVA, as in class), and use pivot_wider to get the data set into the right format.


For MANOVA, we want the three responses (here, the values of y at the three different times) in three separate columns, with all the measurements for one subject in one row (rather than on three separate rows, as here). pivot_wider is the flip-side of pivot_longer: instead of making different columns that all measure the same thing into one column, we split one column that contains things that are (slightly) different from each other (here, y at different times). It needs two inputs: names_from, the current single column that contains the column names you are going to make, and values_from, the values to carry along with them:

treatments %>% pivot_wider(names_from = time, values_from = y) -> tr2

(I got this right the first time too. I must be having a good day!)

Technical detail: in pivot_longer, the column names are in quotes because they don’t exist yet, but in pivot_wider, they are not in quotes because they are columns that already exist.

Note that the time and y columns have disappeared: the columns labelled with the time points are where those values of y have gone. The nine subjects make up the nine rows of the new “wide” data set, which is in the format we want.


  1. Run a repeated-measures ANOVA the Manova way. What do you conclude from it?


Create the response variable first, and use it in an lm:

response <- with(tr2, cbind(T1, T2, T3))
treatment.1 <- lm(response ~ trt, data = tr2)

Now we have to construct the within-subject stuff, for which we need to get the different times we have. You can type them in again (fine here), or get them from the response you just made:

times <- colnames(response)
times.df <- data.frame(times=factor(times))

This is where the possible time effect is accounted for. Because time is within-subjects (each subject is measured at several different times) but treatment is between subjects (each subject only gets one treatment), the two things have to be treated separately, in this approach at least.

Then, uppercase-M Manova:

treatment.2 <- Manova(treatment.1, idata = times.df, idesign = ~times)

Type II Repeated Measures MANOVA Tests:

Term: (Intercept) 

 Response transformation matrix:
T1           1
T2           1
T3           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    32520.11

Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1    0.9975 2399.025      1      6 4.8568e-09 ***
Wilks             1    0.0025 2399.025      1      6 4.8568e-09 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  399.8374 2399.025      1      6 4.8568e-09 ***
Roy               1  399.8374 2399.025      1      6 4.8568e-09 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: trt 

 Response transformation matrix:
T1           1
T2           1
T3           1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
(Intercept)    193.5556

Multivariate Tests: trt
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)  
Pillai            2 0.7041229 7.139344      2      6 0.025902 *
Wilks             2 0.2958771 7.139344      2      6 0.025902 *
Hotelling-Lawley  2 2.3797814 7.139344      2      6 0.025902 *
Roy               2 2.3797814 7.139344      2      6 0.025902 *
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2
T1      1      0
T2      0      1
T3     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       times1    times2
times1   2601 1258.0000
times2   1258  608.4444

Multivariate Tests: times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            1    0.9988 2010.298      2      5 5.4369e-08 ***
Wilks             1    0.0012 2010.298      2      5 5.4369e-08 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  1  804.1190 2010.298      2      5 5.4369e-08 ***
Roy               1  804.1190 2010.298      2      5 5.4369e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Term: trt:times 

 Response transformation matrix:
   times1 times2
T1      1      0
T2      0      1
T3     -1     -1

Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
       times1   times2
times1     72 38.00000
times2     38 28.22222

Multivariate Tests: trt:times
                 Df test stat approx F num Df den Df     Pr(>F)    
Pillai            2  1.345125  6.16206      4     12 0.00620585 ** 
Wilks             2  0.023398 13.84359      4     10 0.00043842 ***
Hotelling-Lawley  2 25.988095 25.98810      4      8 0.00012292 ***
Roy               2 25.367215 76.10165      2      6 5.4552e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Univariate Type II Repeated-Measures ANOVA Assuming Sphericity

             Sum Sq num Df Error SS den Df   F value    Pr(>F)    
(Intercept) 10840.0      1   27.111      6 2399.0246 4.857e-09 ***
trt            64.5      2   27.111      6    7.1393 0.0259021 *  
times        1301.0      2   12.889     12  605.6207 8.913e-13 ***
trt:times      41.5      4   12.889     12    9.6552 0.0009899 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Mauchly Tests for Sphericity

          Test statistic  p-value
times            0.29964 0.049149
trt:times        0.29964 0.049149

Greenhouse-Geisser and Huynh-Feldt Corrections
 for Departure from Sphericity

           GG eps Pr(>F[GG])    
times     0.58811  3.114e-08 ***
trt:times 0.58811   0.008332 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

             HF eps   Pr(>F[HF])
times     0.6461293 7.092455e-09
trt:times 0.6461293 6.137921e-03

(Since I call things by the same names every time, my code for one of these looks a lot like my code for any of the others.)

Start near the bottom with the Mauchly tests for sphericity. These are just significant, so that instead of looking at the univariate tests, look at the bottom for the Huynh-Feldt adjusted P-values, the one for the interaction being 0.0061. This is a bit bigger than the one for the interaction in the univariate tests (0.0010), the latter being deceptively small because sphericity is actually no good.

Compare this, if you like, with the multivariate tests for the interaction. In this case, these are actually not all the same; the largest P-value is the Pillai one, which at 0.0062 is very close to the properly adjusted univariate test.

Finally, interpretation. We look only at the interaction. This is significant, so the effect of treatment is different at the different times. And we stop there.


  1. How is your conclusion from the previous part consistent with your spaghetti plot? Explain briefly.


The thing that the interaction means is that the effect of treatment is different over different times. That shows up in the spaghetti plot by treatment C being the same as the others at the beginning, but clearly better than the others at the later times. That is to say, you can’t talk about “an” effect of treatment, because whether or not treatment C is better than the others depends on which time you’re looking at.

Extra: we used the MANOVA way of doing the repeated-measures analysis. There is another way, “mixed models”, which is in some ways less familiar and in some ways more.

In any analysis of variance, there are two kinds of effects of things you may care about: fixed effects and random effects. Fixed effects are things like the treatment and time here, where the ones you look at are the only ones you are interested in (in this study at least). If you had wanted to assess another treatment, you would have designed it into the study; if you cared about other times, you would have measured y at those times too. The subjects, though, are different: they are a random sample of all possible people, and you want your results to generalize to the population of all people of whom your subjects are a sample.20 So subjects are a different kind of thing and they have what are called random effects. When each subject only gives one measurement, as in all the things we’ve seen so far,21 it doesn’t matter how you treat (statistically) the subjects, but when each subject gives more than one measurement, it does matter. Which is why we have to do the idesign stuff in the MANOVA, or what you will see below.

A model with both fixed and random effects is called a mixed model.

We’re going to make the assumption that the effect of being one subject rather than another is to move the value of y up or down by a fixed amount regardless of treatment or time, on average (each subject is different, but within a subject the random effect is the same size). That seems reasonable, given the spaghetti plot, where some subjects seemed to give consistently larger or smaller values of y than others. This is a so-called “random-intercepts” model. In the package lme4, there is a function lmer that looks like lm, except for the way in which you specify the random effects. It looks like this, noting that it works with the tidy data frame that we read in from the file and made the spaghetti plot out of:

treatment.4 <- lmer(y ~ trt * time + (1 | subject), data = treatments)
drop1(treatment.4, test = "Chisq")

The way to read that model is “y depends on the combination of treatment and time and also on a random intercept for each subject”. This is the way in which the model captures the idea that each subject is different.

You don’t get a test for the random effects; you are assuming that the subjects will be different from each other and you want to adjust for that, rather than testing for it.22 All you get is tests for the fixed effects that are currently up for grabs, in this case the interaction, which is strongly significant.


  1. References: Box, George EP, Problems in the analysis of growth and wear curves, Biometrics vol. 6, 362-369, 1950; Christensen R, Advanced Linear Modeling, 2nd edition, Springer, 2001. Yes, that’s the Box-Cox Box.↩︎

  2. This is the same Box as Box-Cox and the M test.↩︎

  3. References: Box, George EP, Problems in the analysis of growth and wear curves, Biometrics vol. 6, 362-369, 1950; Christensen R, Advanced Linear Modeling, 2nd edition, Springer, 2001. Yes, that’s the Box-Cox Box.↩︎

  4. Things would be a lot more complicated if each rat got a different drug at a different time! But the rats each got one drug once, at the beginning, and the issue was the effect of that drug on all the growth that followed.↩︎

  5. That is to say, it’s the same kind of shape.↩︎

  6. I am kind of wrong about that, as we see.↩︎

  7. This is rather like removing time zero in the example in lecture.↩︎

  8. The factor treatment still has three levels, but only two of them have any remaining data.↩︎

  9. There is often an effect of time, which is why you would be taking multiple time measurements, but the issue is when you take that into account, you are giving yourself an improved chance, in general, to find a treatment effect. This is exactly the same idea as using a matched pairs design to give yourself an improved chance of finding a treatment effect, even though the subjects might be quite different from each other. In fact, repeated measures is matched pairs with more than two measurements on each person. Which makes me think, I should have you do a matched pairs as repeated measures.↩︎

  10. I got sidetracked, surprise surprise.↩︎

  11. See below.↩︎

  12. This would be allowable, since we are averaging over the time-dependence; we are creating 10 independent averages, from the 10 subjects. People do this kind of thing, instead of having to deal with the repeated measures.↩︎

  13. The term “accidental aRt” is sometimes used for graphs that cross the boundary between being informative and looking like a piece of art, particularly if it was not done on purpose. This one is a bit like that.↩︎

  14. This is different from the 0.05 \(\alpha\).↩︎

  15. This is something I want to understand, so I will share my findings with you. You can read them or not, as you choose.↩︎

  16. I’m suspicious about when needing to be the numerical time inside. Not sure.↩︎

  17. I understand psychology students still do this kind of stuff by hand.↩︎

  18. My hat stays on my head.↩︎

  19. The movies of Lord of the Rings were filmed in New Zealand, which is also the country in which R was first designed.↩︎

  20. In practice, things are usually fuzzier than this, because the subjects in your study are typically the ones you could get, rather than being a physical random sample of all possible people, but we usually act as if our subjects are a random sample of all possible subjects.↩︎

  21. Including matched pairs, because what we do there is to take the difference between the two measurements for each person and throw away the actual measurements themselves, so that each subject still only gives us one measurement.↩︎

  22. This is rather like the test for blocks in a randomized block design: you want to allow for differences among blocks, but you don’t especially care to test that there are any. In fact, blocks are a lot like subjects, in that they are typically things like different experimental plots in which plants are grown, or different days on which the experiment is conducted, and you want to generalize from the blocks you observed, which are certainly not all possible blocks, to the population of all possible blocks.↩︎